gBirchDexRatingText_AreYouCurious:: .string "PROF. BIRCH: Ah, {PLAYER}{KUN}!\p" .string "Are you curious about how your\n" .string "POKéDEX is coming along?$" gBirchDexRatingText_Cancel: .string "Hm? Oh, you haven't caught enough\n" .string "POKéMON to make it worthwhile.$" gBirchDexRatingText_SoYouveSeenAndCaught:: .string "Hmhm…\p" .string "So, you've seen {STR_VAR_1} POKéMON,\n" .string "and you've caught {STR_VAR_2} POKéMON…$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan10:: .string "Go into grassy areas more and look\n" .string "for POKéMON more carefully.$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan20:: .string "I guess you're getting the hang\n" .string "of it. But, it gets harder from here.$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan30:: .string "Some POKéMON only appear in\n" .string "certain areas.\l" .string "You must be persistent.$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan40:: .string "Well, it could use more quantity,\n" .string "but this is looking more like\l" .string "a POKéDEX now.$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan50:: .string "This is coming along pretty good.\n" .string "Keep up the effort.$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan60:: .string "Are you using any RODS?\n" .string "There are many POKéMON in the sea.$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan70:: .string "Instead of just catching POKéMON,\n" .string "how about making them evolve, too?$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan80:: .string "This is going to be a fantastic\n" .string "POKéDEX.\l" .string "That's the feeling I'm getting.$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan90:: .string "You've collected this many…\n" .string "Your talent is remarkable!$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan100:: .string "Have you visited the SAFARI ZONE?\p" .string "I hear there are some POKéMON that\n" .string "can only be caught there.$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan110:: .string "You've finally reached\n" .string "the 100-kind mark.\p" .string "This is an impressive POKéDEX!$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan120:: .string "There might be POKéMON that can be\n" .string "found using ROCK SMASH.$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan130:: .string "You should get some more POKéMON\n" .string "by trading with others.$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan140:: .string "I've heard of POKéMON that evolve\n" .string "when they come to fully love their\l" .string "TRAINERS.$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan150:: .string "I had no idea that there were so\n" .string "many POKéMON species in the HOENN\l" .string "region.$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan160:: .string "On occasion, some POKéMON appear\n" .string "in large numbers like outbreaks.\p" .string "Don't miss opportunities like\n" .string "those.$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan170:: .string "One can get a very good idea about\n" .string "the POKéMON of the HOENN region\l" .string "by looking through your POKéDEX.$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan180:: .string "I would say you already qualify as\n" .string "a POKéMON PROFESSOR, and a good\l" .string "one, too!$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan190:: .string "With a POKéDEX this complete,\n" .string "you're a real professional at this!$" gBirchDexRatingText_LessThan200:: .string "You're very close to completing\n" .string "this POKéDEX.\l" .string "I can feel it in my bones!$" gBirchDexRatingText_DexCompleted:: .string "Congratulations!\n" .string "Your POKéDEX is complete!$" gBirchDexRatingText_OnANationwideBasis:: .string "Hmhm…\n" .string "On a nationwide basis…\p" .string "You've seen {STR_VAR_1} POKéMON,\n" .string "and you've caught {STR_VAR_2} POKéMON…$"