Route111_Text_MakingRoomUseTMToMakeYourOwn: .string "What's that?\n" .string "What am I doing?\p" .string "I'm thinking about making my own room\n" .string "here using a POKéMON move.\p" .string "I know! I'll give you this TM.\n" .string "Will you use it to make your own room?$" Route111_Text_ExplainSecretPower: .string "Find a big tree that looks like it might\n" .string "drop some vines.\p" .string "Use SECRET POWER in front of the tree.\n" .string "Some vines should get free and drop\l" .string "down, so you can climb the tree.\p" .string "You'll find a lot of space for putting\n" .string "your favorite things.\p" .string "It'll be your own secret room…\n" .string "A SECRET BASE!\p" .string "You should make one, too.\p" .string "Another thing, you don't always have\n" .string "to make your SECRET BASE in a tree.\p" .string "Try using SECRET POWER on rock walls\n" .string "that have small indents in them.\p" .string "I'm going to look for other places, too.\n" .string "Okay, bye!$" Route111_Text_DontWantThis: .string "Oh, you don't want this?\n" .string "If you change your mind, tell me, okay?$" Route111_Text_DontHaveAnyRoom: .string "Oh, you don't have any room for this.\p" .string "I'll hold on to it, so come back for it\n" .string "another time, okay?$" Route111_EventScript_SecretPowerMan:: lock faceplayer msgbox Route111_Text_MakingRoomUseTMToMakeYourOwn, MSGBOX_YESNO goto_if_eq VAR_RESULT, YES, Route111_EventScript_GiveSecretPower msgbox Route111_Text_DontWantThis, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route111_EventScript_GiveSecretPower:: giveitem ITEM_TM43 goto_if_eq VAR_RESULT, FALSE, Route111_EventScript_NoRoomForSecretPower msgbox Route111_Text_ExplainSecretPower, MSGBOX_DEFAULT closemessage setflag FLAG_RECEIVED_SECRET_POWER clearflag FLAG_HIDE_SLATEPORT_CITY_TM_SALESMAN call_if_eq VAR_FACING, DIR_WEST, Route111_EventScript_SecretPowerManExit call_if_eq VAR_FACING, DIR_EAST, Route111_EventScript_SecretPowerManExit call_if_eq VAR_FACING, DIR_NORTH, Route111_EventScript_SecretPowerManExitNorth removeobject VAR_LAST_TALKED release end Route111_EventScript_SecretPowerManExit:: applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route111_Movement_SecretPowerManExit waitmovement 0 return Route111_EventScript_SecretPowerManExitNorth:: applymovement VAR_LAST_TALKED, Route111_Movement_SecretPowerManExitNorth waitmovement 0 return Route111_EventScript_NoRoomForSecretPower:: msgbox Route111_Text_DontHaveAnyRoom, MSGBOX_DEFAULT release end Route111_Movement_SecretPowerManExit: walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_down walk_down step_end Route111_Movement_SecretPowerManExitNorth: walk_left walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_down walk_left walk_left walk_left walk_down walk_down step_end