VerdanturfTown_House_MapScripts:: .byte 0 VerdanturfTown_House_EventScript_Woman1:: msgbox VerdanturfTown_House_Text_TrainersGatherAtPokemonLeague, MSGBOX_NPC end VerdanturfTown_House_EventScript_Woman2:: msgbox VerdanturfTown_House_Text_DefeatEliteFourInARow, MSGBOX_NPC end VerdanturfTown_House_Text_TrainersGatherAtPokemonLeague: .string "Far away, deep in Ever Grande City,\n" .string "is the Pokémon League.\p" .string "The Trainers who gather there are\n" .string "all frighteningly well skilled.$" VerdanturfTown_House_Text_DefeatEliteFourInARow: .string "In the Pokémon League, I think the\n" .string "rules say that you have to battle the\l" .string "Elite Four all in a row.\p" .string "If you lose to any of them, you have\n" .string "to begin your challenge again from the\l" .string "first one.$"