VictoryRoad_B2F_MapScripts:: .byte 0 VictoryRoad_B2F_EventScript_Vito:: trainerbattle_single TRAINER_VITO, VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_VitoIntro, VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_VitoDefeat msgbox VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_VitoPostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end VictoryRoad_B2F_EventScript_Owen:: trainerbattle_single TRAINER_OWEN, VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_OwenIntro, VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_OwenDefeat msgbox VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_OwenPostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end VictoryRoad_B2F_EventScript_Caroline:: trainerbattle_single TRAINER_CAROLINE, VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_CarolineIntro, VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_CarolineDefeat msgbox VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_CarolinePostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end VictoryRoad_B2F_EventScript_Julie:: trainerbattle_single TRAINER_JULIE, VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_JulieIntro, VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_JulieDefeat msgbox VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_JuliePostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end VictoryRoad_B2F_EventScript_Felix:: trainerbattle_single TRAINER_FELIX, VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_FelixIntro, VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_FelixDefeat msgbox VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_FelixPostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end VictoryRoad_B2F_EventScript_Dianne:: trainerbattle_single TRAINER_DIANNE, VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_DianneIntro, VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_DianneDefeat msgbox VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_DiannePostBattle, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE end VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_VitoIntro: .string "I trained together with my whole family,\n" .string "every one of us!\l" .string "I'm not losing to anyone!$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_VitoDefeat: .string "Better than my family?!\n" .string "Is that possible?!$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_VitoPostBattle: .string "I was better than everyone in my\n" .string "family. I've never lost before…\p" .string "I've lost my confidence…\n" .string "Maybe I'll go home…$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_OwenIntro: .string "I'd heard that there was a tough\n" .string "little kid around. Do they mean you?$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_OwenDefeat: .string "The little shrimp is tough!$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_OwenPostBattle: .string "The rumors I heard, that tough little\n" .string "kid is from PETALBURG CITY.$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_CarolineIntro: .string "You must be getting a little tired.$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_CarolineDefeat: .string "No signs of tiring at all!$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_CarolinePostBattle: .string "VICTORY ROAD and the POKéMON LEAGUE\n" .string "are long and grueling challenges.\l" .string "Beware of fatigue!$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_JulieIntro: .string "You shouldn't get complacent just\n" .string "because you have a lot of GYM BADGES.\p" .string "There's always going to be someone\n" .string "who's better than you!$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_JulieDefeat: .string "You're better than me!$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_JuliePostBattle: .string "Gaze on your collected BADGES and\n" .string "remember the TRAINERS you've faced.$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_FelixIntro: .string "I've come this far, but the tension's\n" .string "giving me awful stomach pain…$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_FelixDefeat: .string "Ooh…\n" .string "It hurts…$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_FelixPostBattle: .string "I can't help getting all tense knowing\n" .string "that I'm nearing the POKéMON LEAGUE.\p" .string "It's all I can do to feign calm.$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_DianneIntro: .string "The elite among the elite gather in\n" .string "this cave.\p" .string "How are you finding it?$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_DianneDefeat: .string "Not rattled in the least bit!$" VictoryRoad_B2F_Text_DiannePostBattle: .string "You do have guts! I like that!\n" .string "Keep it going!$"