# This CI file is used to test code pushed to "main". image: ubuntu:rolling # Using rolling because of that OpenSSL vuln. # Use Docker, because it just works. before_script: - apt update # Build a package cache with apt, because Ubuntu on Docker doesn't have one by default. - apt install git bash libpng-dev build-essential binutils-arm-none-eabi -y # Install build dependencies. - git config --global http.sslVerify false # disable SSL for git so that cloning the game doesn't fudge everything up. build: stage: build script: - echo "Do your build here" - mkdir work-directory - cd work-directory - git clone --recursive https://gitgud.io/tbld/game.git # clone recursively so that we don't have to get agbcc ourselves - cd game - cd agbcc - bash ./build.sh # Compile agbcc - bash ./install.sh ../ # Install agbcc into tumbledemerald - cd .. - make -j8 # multi-threaded make