290 lines
5.3 KiB
290 lines
5.3 KiB
# Kodi Media Center language file
# Addon Name: Confluence
# Addon id: skin.confluence
# Addon Provider: Jezz_X, Team Kodi
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://trac.kodi.tv/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Kodi Translation Team\n"
"Language-Team: Amharic (Ethiopia) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/kodi-main/language/am_ET/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: am_ET\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
msgctxt "#31004"
msgid "Working..."
msgstr "በመስራት ላይ... "
msgctxt "#31006"
msgid "View options"
msgstr "ምርጫዎችን መመልከቻ"
msgctxt "#31008"
msgid "Full screen"
msgstr "በሙል መመልከቻ ዘዴ "
msgctxt "#31022"
msgid "Music - Files"
msgstr "የሙዚቃ ፋይሎች"
msgctxt "#31023"
msgid "Playing"
msgstr "በማጫወት ላይ"
msgctxt "#31024"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "ገጽ"
msgctxt "#31025"
msgid "Items"
msgstr "እቃዎች"
msgctxt "#31027"
msgid "Location"
msgstr "አካባቢ "
msgctxt "#31033"
msgid "Info"
msgstr "መረጃ"
msgctxt "#31039"
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "ተግባሮች"
msgctxt "#31042"
msgid "PLAYING"
msgstr "የሚጫወተው"
msgctxt "#31043"
msgid "PAUSED"
msgstr "ማቆሚያ"
msgctxt "#31044"
msgstr "ወደ ፊት ማሳለፊያ"
msgctxt "#31045"
msgid "REWIND"
msgstr "ወደ ኋላ ማሳለፊያ"
msgctxt "#31046"
msgid "SEEKING"
msgstr "በ መፈለግ ላይ"
msgctxt "#31049"
msgid "End time"
msgstr "መጨረሻ ሰአት"
msgctxt "#31050"
msgid "Sort: Ascending"
msgstr "መለያ እየጨመረ በሚሄድ"
msgctxt "#31051"
msgid "Sort: Descending"
msgstr "መለያ እየቀነሰ በሚሄድ"
msgctxt "#31055"
msgid "Open playlist"
msgstr "ዝርዝሮችን መክፈቻ"
msgctxt "#31056"
msgid "Save playlist"
msgstr "ዝርዝሮችን ማስቀመጫ"
msgctxt "#31057"
msgid "Close playlist"
msgstr "ዝርዝሮችን መዝጊያ"
msgctxt "#31058"
msgid "System music files"
msgstr "የስርአቱ ሙዚቃ ፋይሎች"
msgctxt "#31059"
msgid "Current playlist"
msgstr "አሁን የሚጫወተው ዝርዝር"
msgctxt "#31060"
msgid "This file is stacked, select the part you want to play from."
msgstr "ይህ ፋይል በጣም ትልቅ ነው ማጫወት የሚፈልጉትን ክፍል ይምረጡ"
msgctxt "#31101"
msgid "Home screen options"
msgstr "የቤት መመልከቻ ምርጫዎች"
msgctxt "#31102"
msgid "Background"
msgstr "መደብ"
msgctxt "#31106"
msgid "Miscellaneous options"
msgstr "የተለያዩ ምርጫዎች"
msgctxt "#31110"
msgid "Background path:"
msgstr "የ መደብ መንገድ:"
msgctxt "#31111"
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "መደበቂያ"
msgctxt "#31112"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "ምርጫዎች"
msgctxt "#31128"
msgid "Lyrics"
msgstr "ግጥም"
msgctxt "#31140"
msgid "Music OSD"
msgstr "ሙዚቃ OSD"
msgctxt "#31141"
msgid "Video OSD"
msgstr "ቪዲዮ OSD"
msgctxt "#31142"
msgid "Settings level"
msgstr "የማሰናጃ ደረጃዎች"
msgctxt "#31200"
msgid "Shortcuts"
msgstr "አቋራጮች"
msgctxt "#31206"
msgid "Found"
msgstr "ተገኝቷል"
msgctxt "#31303"
msgid "Data provider"
msgstr "ዳታ አቅራቢ "
msgctxt "#31322"
msgid "Aired"
msgstr "የተላለፈ"
msgctxt "#31326"
msgid "Created"
msgstr "የተፈጠረው"
msgctxt "#31327"
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Resolution"
msgctxt "#31351"
msgid "Pause"
msgstr "ማቆሚያ"
msgctxt "#31352"
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "ማቆሚያ"
msgctxt "#31354"
msgid "Rewind"
msgstr "ወደ ኋላ ማሳለፊያ"
msgctxt "#31355"
msgid "Movie menu"
msgstr "የሙቪ ዝርዝር"
msgctxt "#31360"
msgid "Watch as 2D"
msgstr "እንደ 2ዲ መመልከቻ"
msgctxt "#31361"
msgid "Change mode"
msgstr "መቀየሪያ ዘዴ"
msgctxt "#31362"
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "ተችሏል"
msgctxt "#31390"
msgid "Skin default"
msgstr "መደበኛ "
msgctxt "#31392"
msgid "Arial based"
msgstr "Arial based"
msgctxt "#31413"
msgid "Local subtitle available"
msgstr "የ አካባቢ ንዑስ አርእስት ዝግጁ ነው"
msgctxt "#31420"
msgid "Login"
msgstr "መግቢያ"
msgctxt "#31422"
msgid "Show or hide the login screen at startup."
msgstr "የመግቢያ መመልከቻውን በሚጀምር ጊዜ ማሳያ ወይንም መደበቂያ"
msgctxt "#31502"
msgid "TV"
msgstr "ቲቪ "
msgctxt "#31506"
msgid "Available[CR]Groups"
msgstr "ዝግጁ[CR]ቡድኖች"
msgctxt "#31905"
msgid "Forecast"
msgstr "ግምት "
msgctxt "#31909"
msgid "Fetching forecast info..."
msgstr "ግምት በመፈለግ ላይ..."
msgctxt "#31910"
msgid "Maps"
msgstr "ካርታ "
msgctxt "#31950"
msgid "WEATHER"
msgstr "የ አየር ንብረት"
msgctxt "#31951"
msgid "PICTURES"
msgstr "ስእሎች"
msgctxt "#31952"
msgid "TV"
msgstr "ቲቪ "
msgctxt "#31953"
msgid "VIDEOS"
msgstr "ቪዲዮዎች"
msgctxt "#31954"
msgid "MOVIES"
msgstr "ሙቪዎች"
msgctxt "#31955"
msgid "TV SHOWS"
msgstr "የ ቲቪ ትእይንቶች"
msgctxt "#31956"
msgid "MUSIC"
msgstr "ሙዚቃ"
msgctxt "#31957"
msgid "PROGRAMS"
msgstr "ፕሮግራሞች"
msgctxt "#31958"
msgid "PLAY DISC"
msgstr "ዲስክ ማጫወቻ"
msgctxt "#31959"
msgid "SYSTEM"
msgstr "ስርአቱ"
msgctxt "#31960"
msgid "RADIO"
msgstr "ራዲዮ"