Updated by "Update PO files to match POT (msgmerge)" hook in Weblate. Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <hosted@weblate.org> Translate-URL: https://kodi.weblate.cloud/projects/kodi-add-ons-skins/skin-confluence/ Translation: Kodi add-ons: skins/skin.confluence
680 lines
14 KiB
680 lines
14 KiB
# Kodi Media Center language file
# Addon Name: Confluence
# Addon id: skin.confluence
# Addon Provider: Jezz_X, Team Kodi
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KODI Main\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/issues/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-07-05 22:04+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Christian Gade <gade@kodi.tv>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian <https://kodi.weblate.cloud/projects/kodi-add-ons-skins/skin-confluence/id_id/>\n"
"Language: id_id\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.7.1\n"
msgctxt "Addon Summary"
msgid "Confluence skin by Jezz_X."
msgstr "Skin Confluence oleh Jezz_X. (Skin bawaan Kodi)"
msgctxt "Addon Description"
msgid "Confluence is a combination of concepts from many popular skins, and attempts to embrace and integrate their good ideas into a skin that should be easy for first time Kodi users to understand and use."
msgstr "Confluence merupakan skin bawaan untuk Kodi 9.11 dan selanjutnya. Merupakan kombinasi konsep dari beberapa skin populer, dan berusaha untuk merangkul dan menyatukan ide bagus mereka ke sebuah skin yang mudah dipakai dan dipahami oleh pengguna Kodi pertama kali."
msgctxt "#31000"
msgid "Change your"
msgstr "Ubah"
msgctxt "#31001"
msgid "GAMES"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31002"
msgid "[B]GAME SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Configure rewind support & options · Configure keyboard use and number of keyboard players"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31003"
msgid "Power options"
msgstr "Pilihan daya"
msgctxt "#31004"
msgid "Working..."
msgstr "Mengerjakan..."
msgctxt "#31005"
msgid "Hide information"
msgstr "Menyembunyikan informasi"
msgctxt "#31006"
msgid "View options"
msgstr "Lihat Pilihan"
msgctxt "#31007"
msgid "Video process information"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31008"
msgid "Full screen"
msgstr "Video Mainkan Secara Otomatis"
msgctxt "#31009"
msgid "Total duration"
msgstr "Total durasi"
msgctxt "#31010"
msgid "Hardware decoding"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31011"
msgid "Inactive"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31012"
msgid "Decoder"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31013"
msgid "Audio process information"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31014"
msgid "Memory used"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31015"
msgid "Minute"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31016"
msgid "Elapsed time"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31017"
msgid "Unavailable"
msgstr "Tidak tersedia"
msgctxt "#31023"
msgid "Playing"
msgstr "Memainkan"
msgctxt "#31024"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Halaman"
msgctxt "#31025"
msgid "Items"
msgstr "Item"
msgctxt "#31026"
msgid "Misc options"
msgstr "Pilihan Misc"
msgctxt "#31027"
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Lokasi"
msgctxt "#31028"
msgid "Poster wrap"
msgstr "Mengemas poster"
msgctxt "#31029"
msgid "Fanart"
msgstr "Fanart"
msgctxt "#31031"
msgid "Pic thumbs"
msgstr "Tampilan gambar"
msgctxt "#31032"
msgid "Image wrap"
msgstr "Mengemas gambar"
msgctxt "#31033"
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Info"
msgctxt "#31039"
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Aksi"
msgctxt "#31040"
msgid "Now playing"
msgstr "Sedang dimainkan"
msgctxt "#31042"
msgid "PLAYING"
msgstr "Mainkan"
msgctxt "#31043"
msgid "PAUSED"
msgstr "JEDA"
msgctxt "#31044"
msgstr "MAJU CEPAT"
msgctxt "#31045"
msgid "REWIND"
msgstr "PUTAR ULANG"
msgctxt "#31046"
msgid "SEEKING"
msgstr "MENCARI"
msgctxt "#31048"
msgid "Visualisation presets"
msgstr "Visualisasi yang telah ditetapkan"
msgctxt "#31049"
msgid "End time"
msgstr "Waktu selesai"
msgctxt "#31050"
msgid "Sort: Ascending"
msgstr "Sortir: Urut"
msgctxt "#31051"
msgid "Sort: Descending"
msgstr "Sortir: Terbalik"
msgctxt "#31055"
msgid "Open playlist"
msgstr "Buka daftar putar"
msgctxt "#31056"
msgid "Save playlist"
msgstr "Simpan daftar putar"
msgctxt "#31057"
msgid "Close playlist"
msgstr "Tutup daftar putar"
msgctxt "#31058"
msgid "System music files"
msgstr "Berkas sistem musik"
msgctxt "#31059"
msgid "Current playlist"
msgstr "Daftar putar saat ini"
msgctxt "#31061"
msgid "Current selected"
msgstr "Pilihan saat ini"
msgctxt "#31101"
msgid "Home screen options"
msgstr "Opsi Home Screen"
msgctxt "#31102"
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Latar belakang"
msgctxt "#31103"
msgid "Show \"Paused\" in picture slideshow"
msgstr "Tampilkan video dalam daftar berkas gambar."
msgctxt "#31104"
msgid "Play trailers in a window [COLOR=grey3](Video information dialogue only)[/COLOR]"
msgstr "Putar Trailer dalam sebuah jendela [COLOR=grey3](Hanya dialog informasi video Saja)[/COLOR]"
msgctxt "#31106"
msgid "Miscellaneous options"
msgstr "Opsi Lainnya"
msgctxt "#31107"
msgid "Hide flagging read from video filenames [COLOR=grey3](e.g. Blu-ray, HD-DVD)[/COLOR]"
msgstr "Sembunyikan flagging membaca dari nama file video [COLOR = grey3] (misalnya Blu-ray, HD-DVD) [/ COLOR]"
msgctxt "#31108"
msgid "Hide main menu buttons"
msgstr "Sembunyikan tombol menu utama"
msgctxt "#31109"
msgid "Enable custom background"
msgstr "Fungsikan background custom"
msgctxt "#31110"
msgid "Background path:"
msgstr "Path Latar belakang:"
msgctxt "#31111"
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Sembunyikan"
msgctxt "#31112"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opsi"
msgctxt "#31113"
msgid "Background path Master:"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31114"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Sistem"
msgctxt "#31115"
msgid "Main button playlists"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31116"
msgid "Show recently added albums"
msgstr "Tampilkan album baru yang sudah ditambahkan"
msgctxt "#31117"
msgid "Show recently added videos"
msgstr "Tampilkan album baru yang sudah ditambahkan"
#. In main language strings its used as submenu
msgctxt "#31118"
msgid "Home page \"Add-ons\" submenu"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31119"
msgid "Hide background fanart"
msgstr "Sembunyikan Background Fanart"
#. In main language strings its used as submenu
msgctxt "#31120"
msgid "Home page \"Games\" submenu"
msgstr ""
# empty string with id 31121
#. Boolean settings value
msgctxt "#31122"
msgid "Hide EPG if RDS is present on channel window"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31124"
msgid "Show background \"Now playing\" video"
msgstr "Tampilkan Video latar belakang \"Sedang dimainkan\""
msgctxt "#31125"
msgid "Show background \"Now playing\" visualisation"
msgstr "Tampilkan latar belakang visualisasi \"Sedang Memainkan\""
msgctxt "#31128"
msgid "Lyrics"
msgstr "Lirik"
msgctxt "#31129"
msgid "Hide fanart in full screen visualisation"
msgstr "Sembunyikan Fanart pada visualisasi layar penuh"
msgctxt "#31132"
msgid "Lyrics add-on"
msgstr "Add-on lirik"
#. In main language strings its used as submenu
msgctxt "#31134"
msgid "Home page \"Videos\" submenu"
msgstr "Submenu halaman utama \"Video\""
msgctxt "#31135"
msgid "Home page \"Music\" submenu"
msgstr "Submenu halaman utama \"Music\""
msgctxt "#31136"
msgid "Home page \"Pictures\" submenu"
msgstr "Submenu halaman utama \"gambar\""
msgctxt "#31140"
msgid "Music OSD"
msgstr "OSD Musik"
msgctxt "#31142"
msgid "Settings level"
msgstr "Tingkat Setelan"
msgctxt "#31143"
msgid "Use"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31144"
msgid "playlist"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31145"
msgid "playlist path"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31146"
msgid "Hide home screen buttons"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31147"
msgid "Hide - Favourites"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31148"
msgid "Hide - Search"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31200"
msgid "Shortcuts"
msgstr "Bookmark"
msgctxt "#31203"
msgid "Choose your song"
msgstr "Pilih lagu Anda"
msgctxt "#31205"
msgid "Lyrics source"
msgstr "Sumber lirik"
msgctxt "#31206"
msgid "Found"
msgstr "Ditemukan"
msgctxt "#31207"
msgid "Find more items"
msgstr "Cari item"
msgctxt "#31208"
msgid "Upcoming episodes"
msgstr "Episode mendatang"
msgctxt "#31209"
msgid "Hide Master profile main menu buttons"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31300"
msgid "Current temperature"
msgstr "Suhu saat ini"
msgctxt "#31301"
msgid "Last updated"
msgstr "Pembaharuan terakhir"
msgctxt "#31303"
msgid "Data provider"
msgstr "Penyedia data"
msgctxt "#31308"
msgid "Movie details"
msgstr "Rincian film"
msgctxt "#31309"
msgid "Memory used:"
msgstr "Memori yang digunakan:"
msgctxt "#31310"
msgid "Track number"
msgstr "Nomor track"
msgctxt "#31319"
msgid "Selected profile"
msgstr "Profil pilihan"
msgctxt "#31320"
msgid "Last logged in"
msgstr "Login terakhir"
msgctxt "#31322"
msgid "Aired"
msgstr "Disiarkan"
msgctxt "#31325"
msgid "Playlist options"
msgstr "Opsi Daftar Main"
msgctxt "#31326"
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Dibuat"
msgctxt "#31327"
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Resolusi"
msgctxt "#31328"
msgid "Recently added"
msgstr "Baru ditambahkan"
msgctxt "#31329"
msgid "[B]Timer set![/B] [COLOR=grey2] - System auto shutdown in[/COLOR]"
msgstr "[B]Atur Timer![/B] [COLOR=grey2] - Sistem dimatikan secara otomatis dalam[/COLOR]"
msgctxt "#31330"
msgid "Click button to play[CR][CR]movie trailer"
msgstr "Klik tombol untuk mainkan [CR] [CR] trailer film"
msgctxt "#31331"
msgid "Album details"
msgstr "Rincian album"
msgctxt "#31351"
msgid "Pause"
msgstr "Pause"
msgctxt "#31352"
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Berhenti"
msgctxt "#31353"
msgid "Fast forward"
msgstr "Mempercepat"
msgctxt "#31354"
msgid "Rewind"
msgstr "Mundurkan"
msgctxt "#31355"
msgid "Movie menu"
msgstr "Menu film"
msgctxt "#31356"
msgid "Download subtitles"
msgstr "unduh sub judul"
msgctxt "#31360"
msgid "Watch as 2D"
msgstr "Tonton sebagai 2D"
msgctxt "#31361"
msgid "Change mode"
msgstr "Rubah Modus"
msgctxt "#31362"
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Aktifkan"
msgctxt "#31390"
msgid "Skin default"
msgstr "Kulit Standar"
msgctxt "#31391"
msgid "Skin default with no caps"
msgstr "Skin standard tanpa topi"
msgctxt "#31392"
msgid "Arial based"
msgstr "berbasis Arial"
msgctxt "#31411"
msgid "First run help..."
msgstr "Pertama jalankan bantuan..."
msgctxt "#31412"
msgid "This tab signifies that there is a menu off to the side of this window that contains extra options for this section. To access the menu, navigate to the left with your remote control or keyboard or place your mouse pointer over the tab. [CR][CR]Click \"OK\" to close this dialogue. It will not appear again."
msgstr "Tab ini menandakan bahwa ada menu off ke sisi jendela ini yang berisi opsi tambahan untuk bagian ini. Untuk mengakses menu, arahkan ke kiri dengan remote control atau keyboard atau tempatkan pointer mouse Anda ke tab. [CR] [CR] Klik \"OK\" untuk menutup dialog ini. Ini tidak akan muncul lagi."
msgctxt "#31413"
msgid "Local subtitle available"
msgstr "Subtitle lokal tersedia"
msgctxt "#31420"
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Login"
msgctxt "#31421"
msgid "Select your Kodi user profile[CR]to login and continue"
msgstr "Pilih profil pengguna Kodi Anda [CR] untuk login dan lanjutkan"
msgctxt "#31422"
msgid "Show or hide the login screen at startup."
msgstr "Tampilkan atau sembunyikan layar login pada startup."
msgctxt "#31423"
msgid "Select the profile that will be used at startup when the login screen is disabled."
msgstr "Pilih profil akan digunakan ketika startup apabila layar login dinonaktifkan."
# empty strings from id 31424 to 31429
msgctxt "#31430"
msgid "[B]PLAYER SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Configure actions that can be used during playback · Configure how media content is played"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31431"
msgid "[B]LIBRARY SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Configure how the library/file views display media content · Configure how library lists/views are navigated · Configure the media database options"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31432"
msgid "[B]PVR SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Configure how the channels & guide are managed · Configure how Live TV and recordings are managed"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31433"
msgid "[B]ADD-ONS SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Configure your installed add-ons · Browse for and install add-ons from kodi.tv"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31434"
msgid "[B]SERVICES SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Configure & manage media sharing services · Configure web server · Configure & manage the weather service"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31435"
msgid "[B]SYSTEM SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Configure display · Configure audio · Configure internet access · Configure power saving· Configure logging"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31436"
msgid "[B]INTERFACE SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Configure skin · Configure region · Configure control · Configure screensaver · Configure master lock"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31501"
msgid "Scheduled time"
msgstr "Waktu yang telah dijadwalkan"
msgctxt "#31502"
msgid "TV"
msgstr "TV"
msgctxt "#31503"
msgid "Add group"
msgstr "Tambah grup"
msgctxt "#31504"
msgid "Rename group"
msgstr "Mengubah nama grup"
msgctxt "#31505"
msgid "Delete group"
msgstr "Hapus grup"
msgctxt "#31506"
msgid "Available[CR]Groups"
msgstr "Grup[CR]Tersedia"
msgctxt "#31509"
msgid "Channel group"
msgstr "Grup saluran"
msgctxt "#31510"
msgid "Timer set"
msgstr "Set timer"
msgctxt "#31511"
msgid "Channel options"
msgstr "Pilihan saluran"
msgctxt "#31901"
msgid "36-hour forecast"
msgstr "Perkiraan 36 jam"
msgctxt "#31902"
msgid "Hourly forecast"
msgstr "Perkiraan jam"
msgctxt "#31903"
msgid "Weekend forecast"
msgstr "Perkiraan akhir pekan"
msgctxt "#31904"
msgid "Daily forecast"
msgstr "Perkiraan harian"
msgctxt "#31905"
msgid "Forecast"
msgstr "Ramalan"
msgctxt "#31909"
msgid "Fetching forecast info..."
msgstr "Mengambil info ramalan..."
msgctxt "#31910"
msgid "Maps"
msgstr "Map"
msgctxt "#31950"
msgid "WEATHER"
msgstr "CUACA"
msgctxt "#31951"
msgid "PICTURES"
msgstr "GAMBAR"
msgctxt "#31952"
msgid "TV"
msgstr "TV"
msgctxt "#31953"
msgid "VIDEOS"
msgstr "VIDEO"
msgctxt "#31954"
msgid "MOVIES"
msgstr "FILM"
msgctxt "#31955"
msgid "TV SHOWS"
msgstr "ACARA TV"
msgctxt "#31956"
msgid "MUSIC"
msgstr "MUSIK"
msgctxt "#31957"
msgid "ADD-ONS"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31958"
msgid "PLAY DISC"
msgctxt "#31959"
msgid "SYSTEM"
msgstr "SISTEM"
msgctxt "#31960"
msgid "RADIO"
msgstr "RADIO"
msgctxt "#31961"
msgid "Timeshift"
msgstr "Pergeseran waktu"
#. Choose profile identifier
msgctxt "#31962"
msgid "Choose kind of profile identification"
msgstr ""
#. Label for the kind of profile identification
msgctxt "#31963"
msgid "Profile name"
msgstr "Nama profil"
#. Label for the kind of profile identification
msgctxt "#31964"
msgid "Profile avatar"
msgstr ""