1 9000 dialogeffect 40 40 BehindDialogFadeOut 0 0 1200 640 $VAR[SelectBack] dialogheader.png 0 0 1200 40 dialog close button 1120 15 64 32 - PreviousMenu DialogCloseButton-focus.png DialogCloseButton.png system.getbool(input.enablemouse) VisibleFadeEffect dialog header image 600 16 1140 40 dialogheader.png window header label 0 20 1200 30 font13_title center center selected black processing mode selection list 30 70 1140 40 9001 200 9000 9000 horizontal 200 0 0 228 40 button-nofocus.png 5 0 218 40 grey3 font13_title center center false 0 0 0 228 40 button-focus2.png conditional 5 0 218 40 white font13_title center center false 0 $LOCALIZE[15114] true noop InputResampling $LOCALIZE[15113] true noop Preprocessing $LOCALIZE[15115] true noop Masterprocessing $LOCALIZE[15117] true noop Postprocessing $LOCALIZE[15116] true noop OutputResampling white borders and mode description 30 109 1140 500 blue border 0 0 1140 500 button-focus3.png 80FFFFFF current mode description label 10 0 1120 30 font12 left center white selected available- and active mode lists 30 150 1140 500 9001 9000 available modes group 0 0 570 360 blue available modes 25 2 550 30 font12_title center center blue black available modes list border 25 30 538 350 button-nofocus.png scrollbar for available modes list 5 30 25 350 ScrollBarV.png ScrollBarV_bar.png ScrollBarV_bar_focus.png ScrollBarNib.png ScrollBarNib.png 61 20 false vertical available modes list 30 35 528 345 9000 9001 60 21 60 200 0 3 528 40 button-nofocus.png 15 8 30 30 $INFO[ListItem.Property(Icon)] keep !StringCompare(ListItem.Property(Icon),"") 15 8 30 30 DefaultAudioDSP.png keep StringCompare(ListItem.Property(Icon),"") active addon name and mode name 80 3 435 40 font12 left center white false selected 0 3 528 60 button-focus2.png conditional 5 8 50 50 $INFO[ListItem.Property(Icon)] keep !StringCompare(ListItem.Property(Icon),"") 5 8 50 50 DefaultAudioDSP.png keep StringCompare(ListItem.Property(Icon),"") addon name and mode name on focus 80 3 435 40 font12 left center white false selected ADSP-Mode description on focus 80 33 435 30 font12 left center grey2 false selected !Control.HasFocus(20) ADSP-Mode description on focus 80 33 435 30 font12 left center grey2 true > < selected Control.HasFocus(20) 568 0 570 360 blue active modes 10 2 550 30 font12_title center center blue black active modes list border 10 30 538 350 button-nofocus.png scrollbar for active modes list 542 30 25 350 ScrollBarV.png ScrollBarV_bar.png ScrollBarV_bar_focus.png ScrollBarNib.png ScrollBarNib.png 21 60 false vertical active modes list 15 35 538 345 9000 9001 20 61 61 200 0 3 528 40 button-nofocus.png 15 8 30 30 $INFO[ListItem.Property(Icon)] keep !StringCompare(ListItem.Property(Icon),"") 15 8 30 30 DefaultAudioDSP.png keep StringCompare(ListItem.Property(Icon),"") active addon name and mode name 80 3 435 40 font12 left center white false selected 0 3 528 60 button-focus2.png conditional 5 8 50 50 $INFO[ListItem.Property(Icon)] keep !StringCompare(ListItem.Property(Icon),"") 5 8 50 50 DefaultAudioDSP.png keep StringCompare(ListItem.Property(Icon),"") addon name and mode name on focus 80 3 435 40 font12 left center white false selected true ADSP-Mode description on focus 80 33 435 30 font12 left center grey2 false selected !Control.HasFocus(21) ADSP-Mode description on focus 80 33 435 30 font12 left center grey2 true > < selected Control.HasFocus(21) 55 528 1090 Default RadioButton 0 15 40 280 200 9000 24 23 252 font13 grey2 white button-focus2.png button-nofocus.png ButtonCommonValues Apply changes button 288 15 40 250 200 9000 22 24 font13 15FFFFFF grey3 white button-focus2.png center Clear active modes button 841 15 40 250 200 9000 23 22 font13 30FFFFFF grey3 white button-focus2.png center