msgid "[B]Timer set![/B] [COLOR=grey2] - System auto shutdown in[/COLOR]"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31330"
msgid "Click button to play[CR][CR]movie trailer"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31331"
msgid "Album details"
msgstr ""
#empty strings from id 31332 to 31350
#Video and Music OSD Labels
msgctxt "#31351"
msgid "Pause"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31352"
msgid "Stop"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31353"
msgid "Fast forward"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31354"
msgid "Rewind"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31355"
msgid "Movie menu"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31356"
msgid "Download subtitles"
msgstr ""
#empty strings from id 31357 to 31359
# Stereoscopic labels
msgctxt "#31360"
msgid "Watch as 2D"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31361"
msgid "Change mode"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31362"
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr ""
#empty strings from id 31363 to 31389
msgctxt "#31390"
msgid "Skin default"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31391"
msgid "Skin default with no caps"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31392"
msgid "Arial based"
msgstr ""
#empty strings from id 31393 to 31399
#Description Labels
msgctxt "#31400"
msgid "[B]CONFIGURE APPEARANCE SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Change the skin · Set language and region · Change file listing options[CR]Set up a screensaver"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31401"
msgid "[B]CONFIGURE VIDEO SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Manage your video library · Set video playback options · Change video listing options[CR]Set subtitle fonts"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31402"
msgid "[B]CONFIGURE MUSIC SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Manage your music library · Set music playback options · Change music listing options[CR]Setup song submission"
msgid "[B]CONFIGURE WEATHER SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Set various cities to collect weather information"
msgstr ""
#empty string with id 31405
msgctxt "#31406"
msgid "[B]CONFIGURE SYSTEM SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Setup and calibrate displays · Configure audio output · Setup remote controls[CR]Set power saving options · Enable debugging · Setup master lock"
msgstr ""
#empty string with id 31407
msgctxt "#31408"
msgid "[B]CONFIGURE ADD-ONS[/B][CR][CR]Manage your installed add-ons · Browse for and install add-ons from[CR]Modify add-on settings"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31409"
msgid "[B]CONFIGURE TV SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Change full screen info · Manage EPG data settings"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31410"
msgid "[B]CONFIGURE SERVICE SETTINGS[/B][CR][CR]Setup control of Kodi via UPnP and HTTP · Configure file sharing[CR]Enable Zeroconf · Configure AirPlay"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31411"
msgid "First run help..."
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31412"
msgid "This tab signifies that there is a menu off to the side of this window that contains extra options for this section. To access the menu, navigate to the left with your remote control or keyboard or place your mouse pointer over the tab. [CR][CR]Click \"OK\" to close this dialogue. It will not appear again."
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31413"
msgid "Local subtitle available"
msgstr ""
#empty strings from id 31414 to 31419
msgctxt "#31420"
msgid "Login"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31421"
msgid "Select your Kodi user profile[CR]to login and continue"
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31422"
msgid "Show or hide the login screen at startup."
msgstr ""
msgctxt "#31423"
msgid "Select the profile that will be used at startup when the login screen is disabled."