50 no CommonBackground Window_OpenClose_Right_Panel_Animation ContentPanel 310 670 Control.IsVisible(50) | Control.IsVisible(51) Trailer Rating 0 5 120 30 stretch Trailer Favorite Overlay 140 0 40 40 keep amt-overlay-favorite.png Trailer Watched Overlay 140 0 40 40 keep amt-overlay-watched.png Conditional Trailer Saved Overlay 140 0 40 40 keep amt-overlay-saved.png Conditional Conditional 575 130 675 360 9000 2050 50 50 list 2050 200 10 0 660 30 font12 white green left center ListItem.Label 665 0 400 30 font12 grey2 green right center ListItem.Label2 0 0 675 30 list-focus.png Control.HasFocus(50) VisibleFadeEffect 10 0 660 30 font12 white green left center ListItem.Label 665 0 400 30 font12 grey2 green right center ListItem.Label2 300 130 Control.IsVisible(50) 0 0 270 360 keep $INFO[ListItem.ActualIcon] 0 360 270 360 keep $INFO[ListItem.ActualIcon] 225 325 35 35 keep $INFO[ListItem.Overlay] 0 370 950 2 separator.png 1255 130 20 360 scrollbar_bar_back.png scrollbar_bar.png scrollbar_bar_focus.png scrollbar_nib.png scrollbar_nib.png 50 2059 false vertical Control.IsVisible(50) Description Value for Movies 300 505 945 135 font11 justify white 2059 Skin.HasSetting(AutoScroll) Control.IsVisible(50) !Skin.HasSetting(Show_AMT_Cast) Description Value for Movies 2 585 505 660 135 font11 justify white 2059 Skin.HasSetting(AutoScroll) Control.IsVisible(50) Skin.HasSetting(Show_AMT_Cast) 1255 505 20 135 scrollbar_bar_back.png scrollbar_bar.png scrollbar_bar_focus.png scrollbar_nib.png scrollbar_nib.png 2050 60 false vertical Control.IsVisible(50) Page Count Label 50r 38r 500 20 font12b white false right center Control.IsVisible(51) 300 180 970 460 9000 61 true -60 0 1090 460 57 57 9000 2051 list 2051 200 2 horizontal 2 0 214 310 stretch button-nofocus.png 5 $INFO[ListItem.ActualIcon] 2 310 214 310 stretch button-nofocus.png 5 $INFO[ListItem.ActualIcon] 180 275 35 35 keep $INFO[ListItem.Overlay] 2 0 214 310 stretch folder-focus.png 5 $INFO[ListItem.ActualIcon] focus unfocus 2 310 214 310 stretch folder-focus.png 5 $INFO[ListItem.ActualIcon] focus unfocus 180 275 35 35 keep $INFO[ListItem.Overlay] Focus UnFocus Control.IsVisible(51) VisibleFadeEffect 300 540 970 35 font18 white true center center 300 580 970 35 font11 grey2 true center center 300 630 970 20 scrollbar_bar_back.png scrollbar_bar-vertical.png scrollbar_bar_focus-vertical.png scrollbar_nib-vertical.png scrollbar_nib-vertical.png 51 9000 false horizontal Control.IsVisible(51) Cast List 300 505 270 145 121 121 70 70 list - 200 Skin.HasSetting(Show_AMT_Cast) + Control.IsVisible(50) 0 0 270 27 button-nofocus.png 10 0 250 27 font12 center green left ListItem.Label 0 0 270 27 button-nofocus.png !Control.HasFocus(70) 0 0 270 27 button-focus.png Control.HasFocus(70) 10 0 250 27 font12 center green left ListItem.Label 300 130 950 510 9000 2060 50 50 list 2060 200 5 4 40 22 $INFO[ListItem.Icon] 50 0 890 30 font12 white green left center 940 0 870 30 font12 grey2 green right center 0 0 950 30 list-focus.png Control.HasFocus(60) VisibleFadeEffect 5 4 40 22 $INFO[ListItem.Icon] 50 0 890 30 font12 white green left center 940 0 870 30 font12 grey2 green right center 1255 130 20 510 scrollbar_bar_back.png scrollbar_bar.png scrollbar_bar_focus.png scrollbar_nib.png scrollbar_nib.png 50 9000 false vertical Window_OpenClose_Left_Panel_Animation 0 130 View As button 0 0 ButtonCommonValues 50 50 109 100 !Control.IsVisible(4000) Shortcut1 Button 0 45 ButtonCommonValues 50 50 2 101 Shortcut2 Button 0 90 ButtonCommonValues 50 50 100 102 Shortcut3 Button 0 135 ButtonCommonValues 70 50 101 103 Genre Button 0 180 ButtonCommonValues 50 50 102 104 Studio Button 0 225 ButtonCommonValues 50 50 103 105 Actor Button 0 270 ButtonCommonValues 50 50 104 106 Search Button 0 315 ButtonCommonValues 50 50 105 107 Settings Button 0 360 ButtonCommonValues 50 50 106 120 Cast Button 0 405 ButtonCommonValues Skin.ToggleSetting(Show_AMT_Cast) Skin.HasSetting(Show_AMT_Cast) !Control.IsVisible(4000) + Control.IsVisible(50) 50 50 107 109 Update Button 0 495 ButtonCommonValues 50 50 120 2 false 0 0 1280 128 Header.png WindowTitleCommons Window_OpenClose_Animation Genre label 50r 50 1060 30 font18 white false right center Window_OpenClose_Animation !Control.IsVisible(4000) WindowTitleButtonsMedia BehindDialogFadeOut Credits Button false Plot Button false Cast Button false number of files text label false Trailer Label false Plot Value false number of files text label false