3 no CommonBackground Window_OpenClose_Right_Panel_Animation ContentPanel 350 135 0 0 460 35 Button_Side_NoFocus.png update label 20 0 225 35 font12 left center white update time label 440 0 225 35 font12 right center Window.Property(Updated) white 0 35 460 474 66FFFFFF black-back.png Provider Text 20 40 440 25 font11 white true center center current temp Value 20 110 210 180 font35b center center white black current weather icon 230 110 210 180 Window.Property(Current.ConditionIcon) keep current condition label 20 260 420 30 Window.Property(Current.Condition) true font13 center center white 20 327 420 4 separator.png current feels like label 140 340 140 35 font12 right center grey2 current dew label 140 370 140 35 font12 right center grey2 current humidity label 140 400 140 35 font12 right center grey2 current UV Index label 140 430 140 35 font12 right center grey2 current Wind label 140 460 140 35 font12 right center grey2 current feels like Value 160 340 300 35 font12 left center white current dew Value 160 370 300 35 font12 left center white current humidity Value 160 400 300 35 font12 left center Window.Property(Current.Humidity) white current UV Index Value 160 430 300 35 font12 left center Window.Property(Current.UVIndex) white current Wind Value 160 460 300 35 font12 left center Window.Property(Current.Wind) white day 0 810 135 0 0 460 35 Button_Side_NoFocus.png Day label 20 0 420 35 font12 Window.Property(Day0.Title) left center white 0 35 460 90 66FFFFFF black-back.png day icon 370 40 80 80 Window.Property(Day0.OutlookIcon) keep high label 40 50 20 font12 left center grey2 Weather.IsFetched high value 110 50 20 font12 left center white low label 220 50 20 font12 left center grey2 Weather.IsFetched low value 290 50 20 font12 left center white conditions label 40 90 320 20 Window.Property(Day0.Outlook) font12 left center white day 0 810 263 0 0 460 35 Button_Side_NoFocus.png Day label 20 0 420 35 font12 Window.Property(Day1.Title) left center white 0 35 460 90 66FFFFFF black-back.png day icon 370 40 80 80 Window.Property(Day1.OutlookIcon) keep high label 40 50 20 font12 left center grey2 Weather.IsFetched high value 110 50 20 font12 left center white low label 220 50 20 font12 left center grey2 Weather.IsFetched low value 290 50 20 font12 left center white conditions label 40 90 320 20 Window.Property(Day1.Outlook) font12 left center white day 0 810 391 0 0 460 35 Button_Side_NoFocus.png Day label 20 0 420 35 font12 Window.Property(Day2.Title) left center white 0 35 460 90 66FFFFFF black-back.png day icon 370 40 80 80 Window.Property(Day2.OutlookIcon) keep high label 40 50 20 font12 left center grey2 Weather.IsFetched high value 110 50 20 font12 left center white low label 220 50 20 font12 left center grey2 Weather.IsFetched low value 290 50 20 font12 left center white conditions label 40 90 320 20 Window.Property(Day2.Outlook) font12 left center white day 3 810 519 0 0 460 35 Button_Side_NoFocus.png Day label 20 0 420 35 font12 Window.Property(Day3.Title) left center white 0 35 460 90 66FFFFFF black-back.png day icon 370 40 80 80 Window.Property(Day3.OutlookIcon) keep high label 40 50 20 font12 left center grey2 Weather.IsFetched high value 110 50 20 font12 left center white low label 220 50 20 font12 left center grey2 Weather.IsFetched low value 290 50 20 font12 left center white conditions label 40 90 320 20 Window.Property(Day3.Outlook) font12 left center white Window_OpenClose_Left_Panel_Animation CommonNowPlaying 0 130 change location button 0 0 15 ButtonCommonValues 99 99 611 2 change location label 35 0 44 270 font12 white black left center Refresh button 0 45 ButtonCommonValues 99 99 3 5 Custom Weather Script Button 0 90 XBMC.RunScript($INFO[Skin.String(WeatherScript_Path)]) ButtonCommonValues Skin.HasSetting(WeatherScript_Enable) + !IsEmpty(Skin.String(WeatherScript_Label)) 50 50 2 4 Settings button 0 135 ActivateWindow(servicesettings,weather) ButtonCommonValues 50 50 5 610 Conditional Fake Button to fix Player Controls Navigation 4 603 false 0 180 conditional CommonNowPlaying_Controls Fake Button to fix Player Controls Navigation 603 3 false 0 0 1280 128 Header.png WindowTitleCommons weather location label 350 210 460 30 font18 white false center center Window_OpenClose_Animation WindowTitleButtons BehindDialogFadeOut DateTimeLabel