3 1 335 35 dialogeffect background image 0 0 610 650 DialogBack.png background image 0 0 610 650 DialogFront.png heading label 40 40 510 30 center center font18 dialogheader Close Window button 540 35 WindowCloseButtonCommons 40 78 510 2 separator.png 45 90 500 480 3 3 5 61 61 200 Conditional 0 0 500 35 button-nofocus.png 10 0 480 35 font12 left center green ListItem.Label 0 0 500 35 !Control.HasFocus(3) button-nofocus.png 0 0 500 35 Control.HasFocus(3) button-focus.png 10 0 480 35 font12 left center green ListItem.Label Control.IsVisible(3) 550 90 20 475 scrollbar_bar_back2.png scrollbar_bar.png scrollbar_bar_focus.png scrollbar_nib.png scrollbar_nib.png 3 3 61 61 false vertical number of files/pages in list text label 570 570 300 35 font12b right center true white 45 90 500 360 6 6 5 62 62 200 Conditional 0 0 500 35 button-nofocus.png 3 3 40 29 $INFO[ListItem.Icon] 50 0 440 35 font12 left center green ListItem.Label 0 0 500 35 !Control.HasFocus(6) button-nofocus.png 0 0 500 35 Control.HasFocus(6) button-focus.png 3 3 40 29 $INFO[ListItem.Icon] 50 0 440 35 font12 left center green ListItem.Label Control.IsVisible(6) 550 90 20 355 scrollbar_bar_back2.png scrollbar_bar.png scrollbar_bar_focus.png scrollbar_nib.png scrollbar_nib.png 3 3 62 62 false vertical number of files/pages in list text label 570 450 320 35 font12b right center true white 40 490 510 1 55FFFFFF separator.png 40 495 180 110 $INFO[Container(6).ListItem.Icon] black-back2.png 5 keep Currently Selected Title 230 500 330 35 font12 left center true white false 2000 Currently Selected Summary 230 540 330 80 font12 left grey OK button 40 570 200 35 font12 grey2 white center button-focus2.png button-nofocus.png 61 3 3 3 Conditional