shinigami-eyes e66a79df0c Format code
2019-06-29 19:54:25 +02:00

504 lines
18 KiB

var browser: Browser = browser || chrome;
var hostname = typeof (location) != 'undefined' ? location.hostname : '';
if (hostname.startsWith('www.')) {
hostname = hostname.substring(4);
if (hostname.endsWith('.reddit.com')) hostname = 'reddit.com';
if (hostname.endsWith('.facebook.com')) hostname = 'facebook.com';
if (hostname.endsWith('.youtube.com')) hostname = 'youtube.com';
var myself: string = null;
function fixupSiteStyles() {
if (hostname == 'facebook.com') {
let m = document.querySelector("[id^='profile_pic_header_']")
if (m) myself = 'facebook.com/' + captureRegex(m.id, /header_(\d+)/);
} else if (hostname == 'medium.com') {
a.show-thread-link, a.ThreadedConversation-moreRepliesLink {
color: inherit !important;
.stream-item a:hover .fullname,
.stream-item a:active .fullname
} else if (domainIs(hostname, 'tumblr.com')) {
.assigned-label-transphobic { outline: 2px solid #991515 !important; }
.assigned-label-t-friendly { outline: 1px solid #77B91E !important; }
} else if (hostname.indexOf('wiki') != -1) {
.assigned-label-transphobic { outline: 1px solid #991515 !important; }
.assigned-label-t-friendly { outline: 1px solid #77B91E !important; }
} else if (hostname == 'twitter.com') {
myself = getIdentifier(<HTMLAnchorElement>document.querySelector('.DashUserDropdown-userInfo a'));
.pretty-link b, .pretty-link s {
color: inherit !important;
a.show-thread-link, a.ThreadedConversation-moreRepliesLink {
color: inherit !important;
.stream-item a:hover .fullname,
.stream-item a:active .fullname
} else if (hostname == 'reddit.com') {
myself = getIdentifier(<HTMLAnchorElement>document.querySelector('#header-bottom-right .user a'));
if (!myself) {
let m = document.querySelector('#USER_DROPDOWN_ID');
if (m) {
let username = [...m.querySelectorAll('*')].filter(x => x.childNodes.length == 1 && x.firstChild.nodeType == 3).map(x => x.textContent)[0]
if (username) myself = 'reddit.com/user/' + username;
.author { color: #369 !important;}
function addStyleSheet(css: string) {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = css;
function maybeDisableCustomCss() {
var shouldDisable: (s: { ownerNode: HTMLElement }) => boolean = null;
if (hostname == 'twitter.com') shouldDisable = x => x.ownerNode && x.ownerNode.id && x.ownerNode.id.startsWith('user-style');
else if (hostname == 'medium.com') shouldDisable = x => x.ownerNode && x.ownerNode.className && x.ownerNode.className == 'js-collectionStyle';
else if (hostname == 'disqus.com') shouldDisable = x => x.ownerNode && x.ownerNode.id && x.ownerNode.id.startsWith('css_');
if (shouldDisable)
[...document.styleSheets].filter(<any>shouldDisable).forEach(x => x.disabled = true);
function init() {
if (domainIs(hostname, 'youtube.com')) {
setInterval(updateYouTubeChannelHeader, 300);
setInterval(updateAllLabels, 6000);
console.log('Self: ' + myself)
var observer = new MutationObserver(mutationsList => {
for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type == 'childList') {
for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) {
if (node instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) {
if (node instanceof HTMLElement) {
for (const subnode of node.querySelectorAll('a')) {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
document.addEventListener('contextmenu', evt => {
lastRightClickedElement = <HTMLElement>evt.target;
}, true);
var lastRightClickedElement: HTMLElement = null;
var lastAppliedYouTubeUrl: string = null;
var lastAppliedYouTubeTitle: string = null;
function updateYouTubeChannelHeader() {
var url = window.location.href;
var title = document.getElementById('channel-title');
if (title && title.tagName == 'H3') title = null; // search results, already a link
var currentTitle = title ? title.textContent : null;
if (url == lastAppliedYouTubeUrl && currentTitle == lastAppliedYouTubeTitle) return;
lastAppliedYouTubeUrl = url;
lastAppliedYouTubeTitle = currentTitle;
if (currentTitle) {
var replacement = <HTMLAnchorElement>document.getElementById('channel-title-replacement');
if (!replacement) {
replacement = <HTMLAnchorElement>document.createElement('A');
replacement.id = 'channel-title-replacement'
replacement.className = title.className;
title.parentNode.insertBefore(replacement, title.nextSibling);
title.style.display = 'none';
replacement.style.fontSize = '2.4rem';
replacement.style.fontWeight = '400';
replacement.style.lineHeight = '3rem';
replacement.style.textDecoration = 'none';
replacement.style.color = 'black';
replacement.textContent = lastAppliedYouTubeTitle;
replacement.href = lastAppliedYouTubeUrl;
setTimeout(updateAllLabels, 2000);
setTimeout(updateAllLabels, 4000);
function updateAllLabels(refresh?: boolean) {
if (refresh) knownLabels = {};
for (const a of document.getElementsByTagName('a')) {
var knownLabels: LabelMap = {};
var labelsToSolve: LabelToSolve[] = [];
function solvePendingLabels() {
if (!labelsToSolve.length) return;
var uniqueIdentifiers = Array.from(new Set(labelsToSolve.map(x => x.identifier)));
var tosolve = labelsToSolve;
labelsToSolve = [];
browser.runtime.sendMessage<ShinigamiEyesCommand, LabelMap>({ ids: uniqueIdentifiers, myself: <string>myself }, (response: LabelMap) => {
for (const item of tosolve) {
var label = response[item.identifier];
knownLabels[item.identifier] = label || '';
applyLabel(item.element, item.identifier);
function applyLabel(a: HTMLAnchorElement, identifier: string) {
if (a.assignedCssLabel) {
a.classList.remove('assigned-label-' + a.assignedCssLabel);
a.assignedCssLabel = knownLabels[identifier] || '';
if (a.assignedCssLabel) {
a.classList.add('assigned-label-' + a.assignedCssLabel);
if (hostname == 'twitter.com')
function initLink(a: HTMLAnchorElement) {
var identifier = getIdentifier(a);
if (!identifier) {
if (hostname == 'youtube.com')
applyLabel(a, '');
var label = knownLabels[identifier];
if (label === undefined) {
labelsToSolve.push({ element: a, identifier: identifier });
applyLabel(a, identifier);
function domainIs(host: string, baseDomain: string) {
if (baseDomain.length > host.length) return false;
if (baseDomain.length == host.length) return baseDomain == host;
var k = host.charCodeAt(host.length - baseDomain.length - 1);
if (k == 0x2E /* . */) return host.endsWith(baseDomain);
else return false;
function getPartialPath(path: string, num: number) {
var m = path.split('/')
m = m.slice(1, 1 + num);
if (m.length && !m[m.length - 1]) m.length--;
if (m.length != num) return '!!'
return '/' + m.join('/');
function getPathPart(path: string, index: number) {
return path.split('/')[index + 1] || null;
function captureRegex(str: string, regex: RegExp) {
if (!str) return null;
var match = str.match(regex);
if (match && match[1]) return match[1];
return null;
function getCurrentFacebookPageId() {
// page
var elem = <HTMLAnchorElement>document.querySelector("a[rel=theater][aria-label='Profile picture']");
if (elem) {
var p = captureRegex(elem.href, /facebook\.com\/(\d+)/)
if (p) return p;
// page (does not work if page is loaded directly)
elem = document.querySelector("[ajaxify^='/page_likers_and_visitors_dialog']")
if (elem) return captureRegex(elem.getAttribute('ajaxify'), /\/(\d+)\//);
// group
elem = document.querySelector("[id^='headerAction_']");
if (elem) return captureRegex(elem.id, /_(\d+)/);
// profile
elem = document.querySelector('#pagelet_timeline_main_column');
if (elem && elem.dataset.gt) return JSON.parse(elem.dataset.gt).profile_owner;
return null;
function getIdentifier(link: string | HTMLAnchorElement) {
try {
var k = link instanceof Node ? getIdentifierFromElementImpl(link) : getIdentifierFromURLImpl(tryParseURL(link));
if (!k || k.indexOf('!') != -1) return null;
return k.toLowerCase();
} catch (e) {
console.warn("Unable to get identifier for " + link);
return null;
function getIdentifierFromElementImpl(element: HTMLAnchorElement): string {
if (!element) return null;
const dataset = element.dataset;
if (hostname == 'reddit.com') {
const parent = element.parentElement;
if (parent && parent.classList.contains('domain') && element.textContent.startsWith('self.')) return null;
} else if (hostname == 'disqus.com') {
if (element.classList && element.classList.contains('time-ago')) return null;
} else if (hostname == 'facebook.com') {
const parent = element.parentElement;
if (parent && (parent.tagName == 'H1' || parent.id == 'fb-timeline-cover-name')) {
const id = getCurrentFacebookPageId();
//console.log('Current fb page: ' + id)
if (id)
return 'facebook.com/' + id;
// comment timestamp
if (element.firstChild && (<HTMLElement>element.firstChild).tagName == 'ABBR' && element.lastChild == element.firstChild) return null;
// post 'see more'
if (element.classList.contains('see_more_link')) return null;
// post 'continue reading'
if (parent && parent.classList.contains('text_exposed_link')) return null;
if (dataset) {
const hovercard = dataset.hovercard;
if (hovercard) {
const id = captureRegex(hovercard, /id=(\d+)/);
if (id)
return 'facebook.com/' + id;
// post Comments link
if (dataset.testid == 'UFI2CommentsCount/root') return null;
// post Comments link
if (dataset.commentPreludeRef) return null;
// page left sidebar
if (dataset.endpoint) return null;
// profile tabs
if (dataset.tabKey) return null;
const gt = dataset.gt;
if (gt) {
const gtParsed = JSON.parse(gt);
if (gtParsed.engagement && gtParsed.engagement.eng_tid) {
return 'facebook.com/' + gtParsed.engagement.eng_tid;
// comment interaction buttons
if (dataset.sigil) return null;
let p = <HTMLElement>element;
while (p) {
const bt = p.dataset.bt;
if (bt) {
const btParsed = JSON.parse(bt);
if (btParsed.id) return 'facebook.com/' + btParsed.id;
p = p.parentElement;
if (dataset && dataset.expandedUrl) return getIdentifierFromURLImpl(tryParseURL(dataset.expandedUrl));
const href = element.href;
if (href && !href.endsWith('#')) return getIdentifierFromURLImpl(tryParseURL(href));
return null;
function tryParseURL(urlstr: string) {
if (!urlstr) return null;
try {
const url = new URL(urlstr);
if (url.protocol != 'http:' && url.protocol != 'https:') return null;
return url;
} catch (e) {
return null;
function getIdentifierFromURLImpl(url: URL): string {
if (!url) return null;
// nested urls
if (url.href.indexOf('http', 1) != -1) {
if (url.pathname.startsWith('/intl/')) return null; // facebook language switch links
// const values = url.searchParams.values()
// HACK: values(...) is not iterable on facebook (babel polyfill?)
const values = url.search.split('&').map(x => {
const eq = x.indexOf('=');
return eq == -1 ? '' : decodeURIComponent(x.substr(eq + 1));
for (const value of values) {
if (value.startsWith('http:') || value.startsWith('https:')) {
return getIdentifierFromURLImpl(tryParseURL(value));
const newurl = tryParseURL(url.href.substring(url.href.indexOf('http', 1)));
if (newurl) return getIdentifierFromURLImpl(newurl);
// fb group member badge
if (url.pathname.includes('/badge_member_list/')) return null;
let host = url.hostname;
if (domainIs(host, 'web.archive.org')) {
const match = captureRegex(url.href, /\/web\/\w+\/(.*)/);
if (!match) return null;
return getIdentifierFromURLImpl(tryParseURL('http://' + match));
if (host.startsWith('www.')) host = host.substring(4);
if (domainIs(host, 'facebook.com')) {
const fbId = url.searchParams.get('id');
const p = url.pathname.replace('/pg/', '/');
return 'facebook.com/' + (fbId || getPartialPath(p, p.startsWith('/groups/') ? 2 : 1).substring(1));
} else if (domainIs(host, 'reddit.com')) {
const pathname = url.pathname.replace('/u/', '/user/');
if (!pathname.startsWith('/user/') && !pathname.startsWith('/r/')) return null;
if (pathname.includes('/comments/') && hostname == 'reddit.com') return null;
return 'reddit.com' + getPartialPath(pathname, 2);
} else if (domainIs(host, 'twitter.com')) {
return 'twitter.com' + getPartialPath(url.pathname, 1);
} else if (domainIs(host, 'youtube.com')) {
const pathname = url.pathname.replace('/c/', '/user/');
if (!pathname.startsWith('/user/') && !pathname.startsWith('/channel/')) return null;
return 'youtube.com' + getPartialPath(pathname, 2);
} else if (domainIs(host, 'disqus.com') && url.pathname.startsWith('/by/')) {
return 'disqus.com' + getPartialPath(url.pathname, 2);
} else if (domainIs(host, 'medium.com')) {
return 'medium.com' + getPartialPath(url.pathname.replace('/t/', '/'), 1);
} else if (domainIs(host, 'tumblr.com')) {
if (url.pathname.startsWith('/register/follow/')) {
const name = getPathPart(url.pathname, 2);
return name ? name + '.tumblr.com' : null;
if (host != 'www.tumblr.com' && host != 'assets.tumblr.com' && host.indexOf('.media.') == -1) {
if (!url.pathname.startsWith('/tagged/')) return url.host;
return null;
} else if (domainIs(host, 'wikipedia.org') || domainIs(host, 'rationalwiki.org')) {
if (url.hash || url.pathname.includes(':')) return null;
if (url.pathname.startsWith('/wiki/')) return 'wikipedia.org' + getPartialPath(url.pathname, 2);
else return null;
} else if (host.indexOf('.blogspot.') != -1) {
const m = captureRegex(host, /([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*)\.blogspot/);
if (m) return m + '.blogspot.com';
else return null;
} else {
if (host.startsWith('m.')) host = host.substr(2);
return host;
var lastGeneratedLinkId = 0;
function getSnippet(node: HTMLElement) {
while (node) {
var classList = node.classList;
if (hostname == 'facebook.com' && node.dataset && node.dataset.ftr) return node;
if (hostname == 'reddit.com' && (classList.contains('scrollerItem') || classList.contains('thing') || classList.contains('Comment'))) return node;
if (hostname == 'twitter.com' && (classList.contains('stream-item'))) return node;
if (hostname == 'disqus.com' && (classList.contains('post-content'))) return node;
if (hostname == 'medium.com' && (classList.contains('streamItem') || classList.contains('streamItemConversationItem'))) return node;
if (hostname == 'youtube.com' && node.tagName == 'YTD-COMMENT-RENDERER') return node;
if (hostname.endsWith('tumblr.com') && (node.dataset.postId || classList.contains('post'))) return node;
node = node.parentElement;
return null;
browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener<ShinigamiEyesMessage, ShinigamiEyesSubmission>((message, sender, sendResponse) => {
if (message.updateAllLabels) {
message.contextPage = window.location.href;
var target = lastRightClickedElement; // message.elementId ? browser.menus.getTargetElement(message.elementId) : null;
while (target) {
if ((<HTMLAnchorElement>target).href) break;
target = target.parentElement;
if (target && (<HTMLAnchorElement>target).href != message.url) target = null;
var identifier = target ? getIdentifier(<HTMLAnchorElement>target) : getIdentifier(message.url);
if (!identifier) return;
message.identifier = identifier;
if (identifier.startsWith('facebook.com/'))
message.secondaryIdentifier = getIdentifier(message.url);
var snippet = getSnippet(target);
message.linkId = ++lastGeneratedLinkId;
if (target)
target.setAttribute('shinigami-eyes-link-id', '' + lastGeneratedLinkId);
message.snippet = snippet ? snippet.outerHTML : null;
var debugClass = 'shinigami-eyes-debug-snippet-highlight';
if (snippet && message.debug) {
if (message.debug <= 1)
setTimeout(() => snippet.classList.remove(debugClass), 1500)