Please take a moment to read these guidelines
We try to be conservative when marking a page one way or the other. Do not flag unless you're
reasonably confident about your decision.
Not enough to mark as anti-trans
Being a conservative, a SWERF, a bad or mediocre ally, ace-phobic, being concerned with "free speech" and giving voice to "both sides".
"Sex work", BDSM and p*rn are ways of the patriarchy to indoctrinate you, silly liberal
Being a SWERF, a conservative, ace-phobic or racist.
While these traits are despicable (and also common among anti-trans people), the focus of this
dataset is specifically on
anti-trans hatred. Also, don't tag as anti-trans just because someone likes an anti-trans page
whose main focus
is not anti-trans hatred.

If someone is transgendered, I think we should respect them, even if they used to be a boy,
no matter their lifestyle choices.
That's what Jesus taught us.
Reasonably benevolent ignorance, incorrect terms.
When in doubt, assume good faith and don't tag someone or some page as anti-trans just because
they're uninformed, a mediocre
ally, post problematic jokes, or don't take a stance.

The Freedom Report
In this new interview, we asked radical feminist Germaine Greer what she thinks about
gender ID laws.
Being concerned with "free speech", "political correctness" or giving a platform to "both
While this is an excuse often used by conservatives, it's not anti-trans per se. Assume good
faith. Also, don't mark criticism/hatred
of trans people that is not linked to their being trans (eg. "Manning is a traitor of our
Mark as anti-trans
"Protecting womyn's spaces", alt-right transphobia, strongly truscum positions and enby-phobia.
We must protect women's spaces from the female erasure that TIMs want to impose upon us.
Using common anti-trans dog-whistles
"Protecting women's spaces", "Female/lesbian erasure", "terf is a slur" and
"trans-identified-(fe)male/MtT/FtT" are all very
frequent dog-whistles among anti-trans people. However, don't consider "womyn", "radfem" or
"lesbophobia" alone
a signal (but do consider "womyn-born-womyn")

Racist Frog
More degeneracy from the liberal snowflakes. Have they decided which of the 72 genders they
identify as today?
Common anti-trans strawman arguments
However, tag "identify-as-helicopter"-style jokes only if the context is anti-trans (since they
are also sometimes used by
mediocre/problematic allies). Generic anti-LGBT pages can also be tagged as anti-trans (eg.
pride parade = degeneracy).

Nowadays it's trendy to say you're trans, they're just heterosexual males that hurt our
cause. You're either male or female
- stop. Also, it's perfectly fine to respect the spaces of biological women.
I'm not a transphobe but…
If a person is a self-declared "not a transphobe" only towards trans people who are binary,
heterosexual, gender-conforming,
post-op and/or "don't fight for their rights too aggressively", still mark them as anti-trans.
Not enough to mark as trans-friendly
Being transgender, having some decent minimum standard like "hurting people = bad", or supporting the overall LGBT community.
My endocrinologist told me I should switch to gel or patches. Thoughts?
Being transgender
Don't assume someone is not transphobic (or truscum/gatekeeper) just because they are trans
themselves. Try not to treat
people differently just because of their gender, age or orientation.

Your Average Feminist Page
Another trans woman has been found killed in Texas. This violence must really end.
Condemning physical violence
Being against people being killed or raped is, for most people, a very low bar of expectations,
even if they're very conservative
or religious. It's true that most conservatives will simply avoid posting anything at all, but
err on the safe
side and don't tag as t-friendly.

Your Average LGBT Page
We must all stand against homophobia and transphobia, and support gay, lesbian, bi and
trans people.
Condemning "homophobia and transphobia", supporting "LGBT"
Many people just really think of "gays and lesbians" when they say "LGBT", and they can still
be biphobic or transphobic.
Don't tag as t-friendly unless a post is *specifically* talking about trans people.
Mark as trans-friendly
Openly supporting the transgender community or calling out transphobia.
Shoutout to non-binary folks who feel hopeless in the current political climate ❤
Openly supporting trans or non-binary people, or calling out transphobia.
You're about to anonymously submit your first label. Note that a snippet of the relevant post/comment
is also submitted.
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