var browser = browser || chrome; var hostname = typeof (location) != 'undefined' ? location.hostname : ''; if (hostname.startsWith('www.')) { hostname = hostname.substring(4); } if (hostname.endsWith('')) hostname = ''; var myself = null; if (hostname == '') { myself = document.querySelector('#header-bottom-right .user a'); if (!myself) { var m = document.querySelector('#USER_DROPDOWN_ID'); if (m) { m = [...m.querySelectorAll('*')].filter(x => x.childNodes.length == 1 && x.firstChild.nodeType == 3).map(x => x.textContent)[0] if (m) myself = '' + m; } } } if (hostname == '') { var m = document.querySelector("[id^='profile_pic_header_']") if (m) myself = '' + captureRegex(, /header_(\d+)/); } if (hostname == '') { myself = document.querySelector('.DashUserDropdown-userInfo a'); } if (myself && (myself.href || myself.startsWith('http:') || myself.startsWith('https:'))) myself = getIdentifier(myself); //console.log('Myself: ' + myself) function init() { updateAllLabels(); var observer = new MutationObserver(mutationsList => { for (var mutation of mutationsList) { if (mutation.type == 'childList') { for (var node of mutation.addedNodes) { if (node.tagName == 'A') { initLink(node); } if (node.querySelectorAll) { for (var subnode of node.querySelectorAll('a')) { initLink(subnode); } } } } } solvePendingLabels(); }); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } function updateAllLabels(refresh) { if (refresh) knownLabels = {}; var links = document.links; for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var a = links[i]; initLink(a); } solvePendingLabels(); } var knownLabels = {}; var labelsToSolve = []; function solvePendingLabels() { if (!labelsToSolve.length) return; var uniqueIdentifiers = Array.from(new Set( => x.identifier))); var tosolve = labelsToSolve; labelsToSolve = []; browser.runtime.sendMessage({ ids: uniqueIdentifiers, myself: myself }, response => { for (item of tosolve) { var label = response[item.identifier]; knownLabels[item.identifier] = label || ''; applyLabel(item.element, item.identifier); } }); } function applyLabel(a, identifier) { if (a.assignedCssLabel) { a.classList.remove('assigned-label-' + a.assignedCssLabel); a.classList.remove('has-assigned-label'); } var label = a.assignedLabel = knownLabels[identifier] || ''; // a.assignedCssLabel = !label ? '' : label == 'liked' ? 'liked' : label == 'disliked' ? 'disliked' : label == 'rw-radfem' || label == 'terf' || label == 'transphobic' || label == 'anti-lgbt' ? 'transphobic' : label == 't-friendly' ? 't-friendly' : label == 'rw-skeptic' || label == 'rw-liberal' || label == 'rw-feminism' || label == 'science' ? 'good' : 'bad'; if (a.assignedCssLabel) { a.classList.add('assigned-label-' + a.assignedCssLabel); a.classList.add('has-assigned-label'); } } function initLink(a) { var identifier = getIdentifier(a); if (!identifier) return; var label = knownLabels[identifier]; if (label === undefined) { labelsToSolve.push({ element: a, identifier: identifier }); return; } applyLabel(a, identifier); } var currentlySelectedEntity = null; function isHostedOn(/** @type {string}*/fullHost, /** @type {string}*/baseHost) { if (baseHost.length > fullHost.length) return false; if (baseHost.length == fullHost.length) return baseHost == fullHost; var k = fullHost.charCodeAt(fullHost.length - baseHost.length - 1); if (k == 0x2E) return fullHost.endsWith(baseHost); else return false; } function getQuery(/** @type {string}*/search) { if (!search) return {}; var s = {}; if (search.startsWith('?')) search = search.substring(1); for (var pair of search.split('&')) { var z = pair.split('='); if (z.length != 2) continue; s[decodeURIComponent(z[0]).replace(/\+/g, ' ')] = decodeURIComponent(z[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } return s; } function takeFirstPathComponents(/** @type {string}*/path, /** @type {number}*/num) { var m = path.split('/') m = m.slice(1, 1 + num); if (m.length && !m[m.length - 1]) m.length--; return '/' + m.join('/'); } function captureRegex(str, regex){ if(!str) return null; var match = str.match(regex); if(match && match[1]) return match[1]; return null; } function getCurrentFacebookPageId() { // page var elem = document.querySelector("a[rel=theater][aria-label='Profile picture']"); if (elem) { var p = captureRegex(elem.href, /facebook\.com\/(\d+)/) if (p) return p; } // page (does not work if page is loaded directly) elem = document.querySelector("[ajaxify^='/page_likers_and_visitors_dialog']") if (elem) return captureRegex(elem.getAttribute('ajaxify'), /\/(\d+)\//); // group elem = document.querySelector("[id^='headerAction_']"); if (elem) return captureRegex(, /_(\d+)/); // profile elem = document.querySelector('#pagelet_timeline_main_column'); if (elem && return JSON.parse(; return null; } function getIdentifier(urlstr) { try{ return getIdentifierInternal(urlstr); }catch(e){ console.warning("Unable to get identifier for " + urlstr); return null; } } function getIdentifierInternal(urlstr) { if (!urlstr) return null; if (hostname == '') { var parent = urlstr.parentElement; if (parent && (parent.tagName == 'H1' || == 'fb-timeline-cover-name')) { var id = getCurrentFacebookPageId(); //console.log('Current fb page: ' + id) if (id) return '' + id; } if (urlstr.dataset) { var hovercard = urlstr.dataset.hovercard; if (hovercard) { var id = captureRegex(hovercard, /id=(\d+)/); if (id) return '' + id; } var gt =; if (gt) { var gtParsed = JSON.parse(gt); if (gtParsed.engagement && gtParsed.engagement.eng_tid) { return '' + gtParsed.engagement.eng_tid; } } var p = urlstr; while (p) { var bt =; if (bt) { var btParsed = JSON.parse(bt); if ( return '' +; } p = p.parentElement; } } } if (urlstr.href !== undefined) urlstr = urlstr.href; if (!urlstr) return null; if (urlstr.endsWith('#')) return null; try { var url = new URL(urlstr); } catch (e) { return null; } if (url.protocol != 'http:' && url.protocol != 'https:') return null; if (url.href.indexOf('http', 1) != -1) { var s = getQuery(; urlstr = null; for (var key in s) { if (s.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var element = s[key]; if (element.startsWith('http:') || element.startsWith('https')) { urlstr = element; break; } } } if (urlstr == null) { urlstr = url.href.substring(url.href.indexOf('http', 1)) } try { url = new URL(urlstr); } catch (e) { } } var host = url.hostname; if (isHostedOn(host, '')) { var match = captureRegex(url.href, /\/web\/\w+\/(.*)/); if (!match) return null; url = new URL('http://' + match); host = url.hostname; } if (host.startsWith('www.')) host = host.substring(4); if (isHostedOn(host, '')) { var s = getQuery(; var p = url.pathname.replace('/pg/', '/'); return '' + (s.story_fbid || s.set || s.story_fbid || s._ft_ || s.ft_id || || takeFirstPathComponents(p, p.startsWith('/groups/') ? 2 : 1).substring(1)); } if (isHostedOn(host, '')) { return '' + takeFirstPathComponents(url.pathname.replace('/u/', '/user/'), 2).toLowerCase(); } if (isHostedOn(host, '')) { return '' + takeFirstPathComponents(url.pathname, 1).toLowerCase() } if (isHostedOn(host, '')) { return '' + takeFirstPathComponents(url.pathname, 2); } if (host.indexOf('.blogspot.') != -1) { var m = captureRegex(host, /([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*)\.blogspot/); if(m) return m.toLowerCase() + ''; } var id = host; if (id.startsWith('www.')) id = id.substr(4); if (id.startsWith('m.')) id = id.substr(2); return id.toLowerCase(); } init(); browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender, sendResponse) => { if (message.updateAllLabels) { updateAllLabels(true); return; } message.contextPage = window.location.href; var target = message.elementId ? browser.menus.getTargetElement(message.elementId) : null; //console.log(message.url) var links = target ? [target] : [...document.getElementsByTagName('A')].filter(x => x.href == message.url) //if (!links.length) console.log('Already empty :(') var identifier = links.length ? getIdentifier(links[0]) : getIdentifier(message.url); if (!identifier) return; var snippets = => { while (node) { var classList = node.classList; if (hostname == '' && node.dataset && return node; if (hostname == '' && (classList.contains('scrollerItem') || classList.contains('thing') || classList.contains('Comment'))) return node; if (hostname == '' && (classList.contains('stream-item'))) return node; node = node.parentElement; } //console.log('Reached the top without a satisfying element') return null; }) snippets = snippets.filter((item, pos) => item && snippets.indexOf(item) == pos); message.identifier = identifier; message.snippets = snippets.filter((item, pos) => pos <= 10).map(x => x.outerHTML); sendResponse(message); })