Whenever you visit Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or Reddit, this extension will color trans-friendly (green) and anti-trans (red) users/pages with different colors.
## How does it know how to color each page?
The initial version has been created through a mix of manual labeling and machine learning. Users can now also contribute with their own labels.
## Does it submit the list of pages that appear on my screen?
This extension is focused on anti-trans (including anti-nonbinary) sentiment, of all flavors: [radfem/terf](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Trans-exclusionary_radical_feminism), [religious](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Gender_ideology), [alt-right](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Alt-right) etc. (although most of the data is about the first group). See below for more details.
Right click its link, `Shinigami Eyes` -> `Mark as (whatever is appropriate)`. Your contribution will help us improve this extension.
## Can I see the list of pages and their labels?
While the data is stored locally on your computer, it's represented as a [bloom filter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_filter). It's a data structure that "remembers" whether it contains something or not, but that is unable to explicitely list what it contains.
It's susceptible to false positives, but there should be very few of them.
In the [Death Note](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Note) manga/anime, "having the shinigami eyes" means being able to see people's names and remaining lifespan just by looking at them. In a similar way, this extension allows you to see a person's trans acceptance orientation just by looking at them.
As a transgender person, I got used to be distrustful towards people. While guessing the attitudes of an openly [conservative](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Pope_Francis#On_gender.2C_sex_and_sexuality) group or person towards transgender people is easy, this is much more difficult when you deal with communities that tend to be moderately progressive or with intersectional interests, such as the [feminist](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Trans-exclusionary_radical_feminism) community, the [lesbian](https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2018/07/07/anti-trans-group-allowed-to-lead-pride-in-london-march-after-hijack/) community, women's associations and the [atheist](https://the-orbit.net/zinniajones/2014/05/atheist-transphobia-superstition-over-science/) community.
The purpose of this extension is to make transgender people feel more confident towards people, groups, and pages they can trust, and to highlight possible interactions with the transphobic ones (when this is not already evident, such as when discussing about common LGBT or feminist goals).
Being a conservative, a [SWERF](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Trans-exclusionary_radical_feminism#Sex_worker-exclusionary_radical_feminism), a bad or mediocre ally, [ace](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Asexuality)-phobic, supporting "free speech" and "both sides".