import express from 'express' import db from './db.js'; /* * utility function to either get the value in the post data * or send an error message to the response. */ function valOrMissing(data, key, res) { if (!data[key]) { res.status(403).json({"error": `missing "${key}"`}) return null; } return data[key]; } // Creating an instance of Express const app = express(); app.use(express.json()) // for parsing application/json app.put("/note", async (req, res) => { const title = valOrMissing(req.body, "title", res); if (!title) return; const text = valOrMissing(req.body, "text", res); if (!text) return; const created = req.body["created"] ? Date.parse(req.body["created"]) : new Date(); const id = await db("note").insert({ title, text, created }, ["id"]) return res.status(202).send({ "note": id[0].id }); }); app.get("/note/:id", async (req, res, next) => { const note = await db.from("note").where({ id: }); return res.status(200).send({ "note": note[0] }); }); export default app;