## Old Twitter Image Search An image search userscript designed specifically for [Old Twiter Layout Extension](https://github.com/dimdenGD/OldTwitter) ### Installation Grab a compiled `otis.user.js` file from `/dist` and install it on your userscript manager. ### TODOs - ~~Manual artist search button~~ - Selective image upload ### Special thanks - [NTISAS](https://github.com/BrokenEagle/JavaScripts) for the original inspiration - [Old Twiter Layout Extension](https://github.com/dimdenGD/OldTwitter) for lightweight twitter web app - [vite-plugin-monkey](https://github.com/lisonge/vite-plugin-monkey) to make it possible to build userscript with modern framework - [SolidJS](https://www.solidjs.com/) for a robust JS framework