
180 lines
6.3 KiB

- title!( "Web Development Bootcamp")
- description!("Web dev camp is a web development bootcamp. Students learn web programming in an 9 week course, and live in the school. Board included.")
.section.parallax{:style => "background-image: url('#{image_url("coding.jpg")}');"}
Become a professional web-developer in 9 weeks
enjoy coding and get paid
=link_to "Apply now", new_user_registration_path , class: "btn btn-success btn-lg"
=image_tag "people/alice.jpg" , class: :rounded
When I started to teach myself code, the journey to becoming a junior developer
seemed impossibly long and hard. Graduating from Web Dev Camp, I feel as though
I have the tools and understanding I need to go on to achieve this goal
and I am amazed at how far I have come.
Alice Dee
%span former Engineer
=image_tag "people/patricia.jpg" , class: :rounded
WebDev Camp is obviously very different from university teaching methods.
Firstly, we worked straight away on a 'real' solution. There was no 'faffing about'.
Secondly, the feedback loop is much quicker as Torsten is always present to
answer question when we are too stuck.
Patricia Buchner Santos
%span Computer Science graduate
.section.heading{:style => "background-image: url('#{image_url("small_group.jpg")}');"}
Small groups, relaxed atmosphere
optimal learning conditions
=link_to "Course details", page_path(:course) , class: "btn btn-success btn-lg"
=image_tag "people/zita.jpg" , class: :rounded
The whole experience of Webdev.camp has been an intensive and empowering
learning journey for me, and not just with regard to my new skills.
Yes, I now think of myself as a developer, and the dream is a reality
because I now know I CAN code.
Zita Székely
%span former Tester
=image_tag "people/ioana.jpg" , class: :rounded
Before I started the Web Dev Camp course, a junior developer title seemed
like something unapproachable. Now, after graduation I know that I am one already!
Ioana Rosu
%span former Legal adviser
.section.parallax{:style => "background-image: url('#{image_url("relax.jpg")}');"}
Relax in the nature
and be recharged
=link_to "Camp details", page_path(:camp) , class: "btn btn-success btn-lg"
Web Dev Camp's teacher's have
%b decades of experience
and started the camp
in an endeavor to increase
diversity in tech.
= image_tag "people/torsten.png"
%h3 Torsten Ruger
%span Course Director
%small 20 years of web development
=image_tag "people/sherif.png"
%h3 Sherif Abushadi
%span Teacher
%small 20 years of teaching
=image_tag "people/raisa.jpg"
%h3 Raisa Kaipainen
%span Camp director
%small 20 years of running courses
.section.heading{:style => "background-image: url('#{image_url("lunch.jpg")}');"}
Food & Accommodation included
Remove all distraction
=link_to "Apply now", new_user_registration_path , class: "btn btn-success btn-lg"
%h1.centered Not Convinced?
Watch our marketing guy :-) talk about bootcamps
%iframe{:allowfullscreen => "", :frameborder => "0", :src => "https://www.youtube.com/embed/wGFsNA5Hw2s"}
%h1.centered Reviews
Read what alumni say
=link_to "https://www.coursereport.com/schools/web-dev-camp/" , class: :course_report_link ,target: :blank do
=image_tag "logos/course_report.png"
Avg Rating: 5.0
=link_to "https://www.switchup.org/bootcamps/web-dev-camp" , class: :switch_up ,target: :blank do
=image_tag "logos/switch_up.png"
5.0 stars
=link_to "Apply now", new_user_registration_path , class: "btn btn-success btn-lg"