
23 lines
944 B

# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
# Your secret key is used for verifying the integrity of signed cookies.
# If you change this key, all old signed cookies will become invalid!
# Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random,
# no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks.
# You can use `rake secret` to generate a secure secret key.
# Make sure the secrets in this file are kept private
# if you're sharing your code publicly.
admin_name: First User
admin_email: user@example.com
admin_password: changeme
domain_name: example.com
secret_key_base: 6fbc7972b587359c086a6c6738dca91a5cd53f635bdfba31c7b23721a27e1d89bf8c490dfc3ebe773bcdb98d2add0946ea924321bad66499b893d88fc827b883
domain_name: example.com
secret_key_base: a0a18747d0172bfadf4187e6c01be490f452539aeaa4d74bada88ef851d7a2dfabcde91552d3689e9eb71caf9062e5d8b28fbeb55c6f429d92d462655c25d60c