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2017: The year you decided to spring into action and finally make that leap of
courage into the alluring and seemingly magical world of coding.
Even though you may feel like youre getting a bit of a late start out of the gate,
the tech revolution is only gaining
= ext_link "momentum. " , "http://www.techrepublic.com/article/tech-industry-employment-soars-past-6-7-million-led-by-it-services/"
Thanks largely to our ever-evolving Digital Age, programming remains one of the most
= ext_link "well-paid" , "https://heatst.com/biz/half-of-the-highest-paying-jobs-in-america-now-require-you-to-know-how-to-code/"
and in-demand trades, and theres still plenty of room for aspiring hackers to saddle
up and join the race.
So whether your New Years resolution is to kickstart a new career as a full-time
junior programmer at a growing startup or learn a new skill to help you move up the
ranks at your current company, heres to a new, code-conquering you!
But before you can dive headlong into building websites, SaaS products, or
publishing apps on Google Play, you first need to gain a firm understanding of
the fundamentals.
When you have little to no coding experience under your belt, it can seem like an
impossibly long, uphill battle to arrive at a place where you can stand in front
of an employer and prove youre worth your salt.
And its not always clear where to
= ext_link "begin" , "https://webdev.camp/"
acquiring those skills once youve decided to take the first step.
= blog_image "goforit.png"
%h2 The Rise Of The Coding Bootcamp
At this point, youve probably already dipped your toe in the water by devoting a
good chunk of time researching and weighing your options online.
If so, chances are you discovered pretty quickly that theres been a lot of buzz
lately around
= ext_link "coding bootcamps, " , "https://webdev.camp/"
short-term retreats designed to teach coding greenhorns the ropes in an intensive,
accelerated learning environment.
Think of the coding bootcamp as the Digital Ages answer to the trade school.
Its a relatively new model aimed at getting coders job-ready in an increasingly
skills-based economy. And theyve
=ext_link "exploded" , "http://www.techrepublic.com/article/coding-school-graduates-are-they-worth-hiring"
 in popularity since first rising to prominence in 2012.
= blog_image "group.jpg"
The number of bootcamp graduates in 2017 is
=ext_link "expected" , "https://www.switchup.org/research/are-coding-bootcamps-worth-it-job-placement-market"
to quadruple 2014s figures -- with an estimated 24,000 graduates this year compared to
approximately 6,200 grads just three years ago.
Or, if you , maybe youve had some trouble landing the exact position youd hoped for,
and youre looking for a solid way to round out your portfolio.
Whatever your circumstance, many regard bootcamps as an appealing alternative or a
complement to traditional higher education for several reasons:  
= image_tag "blog/effectiveness.png"
A 2016 Course
=ext_link "study" , "https://www.coursereport.com/reports/2016-coding-bootcamp-job-placement-demographics-report"
found in surveying 52 qualifying coding bootcamps that 73% of the 1,143 respondents
reported being employed in a full-time job requiring the skills learned at bootcamp.
Not only are the majority of bootcamp graduates polled getting jobs,
= ext_link "but theyre also earning more." , "https://www.switchup.org/research/are-coding-bootcamps-worth-it-job-placement-market"
In surveying over 1,000 bootcamp graduates, Switchup found that 63% of respondents reported
an increase in salary post-graduation.
= blog_image "salery.png"
=image_tag "blog/cost.png"
Compared to an
=ext_link "average" , "http://www.collegecalc.org/majors/computer-science"
of $157,760 for a 4-year Computer Science degree, the average cost of coding
bootcamp hovers around $12,800 -- with even more
=ext_link "affordable" ,"https://webdev.camp/"
options available.
= image_tag "blog/time.png"
While each bootcamp varies, Switchup reports the average duration is around 10.8 weeks.
Sure, youre putting in a lot more hours of work per day, but youre walking away
with a valuable skillset in a significantly shorter amount of time compared to the
4 years you would spend obtaining a CS degree.
=image_tag "blog/curriculum.png"
Many colleges only offer a handful of classes where youre doing any actual programming.
A lot of time is spent on extraneous classes studying things like theory.
While these general requirements are certainly valuable, youre never taught
how to go “full stack” and hook languages up to databases and user interfaces or
other important responsibilities that dev teams regularly tackle in the real world.
With bootcamps, you gain a deep knowledge necessary for full-stack development including
Ruby, JavaScript, style basics, HTML generation, CSS, Rspec framework, Performance, NoSQL,
and more. Its heavily project-focused, so you get to put your learnings to practice
You also get more directed help with how to write resumes, how to find the right
companies, and the best ways to approach them.
=image_tag "blog/environment.png"
Bootcamps offer a much more intimate, albeit intensely-paced, learning environment
than your standard college lecture, with more opportunity for one-on-one interaction
between instructors and fellow students.
Students work in small groups and build real applications that they can add to their
portfolio, and classes typically consist of fewer than 10 students working alongside
a single mentor.  
%h2 Grow Intellectually And Culturally
If you decide that bootcamp is the right option for you, youll have an important
choice to make.  
You can either remain in your current city -- provided theres a bootcamp program
offered in your area -- or you can pack up your suitcase, hit the road,
and move to a new one temporarily.
Although you might be apprehensive about the prospect of uprooting and temporarily
leaving behind your home, friends, and family -- getting outside of your
comfort zone (and area code) comes with some key advantages:
=blog_image "distraction_free.jpg"
One of the biggest challenges with attending a bootcamp locally is that youre
most likely going to be interrupted by constant distractions that will test your
willpower and tempt you to neglect your studies.
Lets be honest. Fear of missing out is a pretty powerful thing. When your friends
hit you up to take some well-deserved R&R and join them out on the town
for “one quick drink,” its going to be hard to say no.
On the other hand, when youre in a completely new setting, youre much farther
removed from those distractions than if you were close to home.
%h3 New Experiences
The great thing about attending a bootcamp in a new destination is that you get to
feed your travel bug and grow intellectually at the same time.
Traveling to a place that youve never been before and fully-immersing yourself in
that environment fulfills a sense of wanderlust and freedom while also helping you
gain new life experiences.  
By exposing yourself to new places, people, and cultures, you get a unique world
perspective and an open mind -- which can actually be influential in increasing
academic performance.  
%h3 Increased Success
Research has shown that
= ext_link "those who travel are more likely to succeed in school and in life down the road." , "https://www.wysetc.org/2013/10/24/travel-improves-educational-attainment-future-success"
WYSE Travel Confederations study “Travel Improves Educational Attainment & Future Success”
found that educational travel programs, including international service-learning
trips, immediately improved academic performance.
%h3 Networking
International travel, especially when its with a group or through a program, provides
students with a global
= ext_link "network" ,"http://www.worldstridessummer.com/blog/top-10-most-important-benefits-students-gain-when-traveling/"
 of contacts and references that theyre able to leverage down the road.
%h3 All-Inclusive
If youre concerned about the costs of moving, living arrangements, food, transportation,
and other necessary expenses on top of bootcamp tuition,
= link_to "there are great, affordable options available" , "/camp"
 that bake all of these expenses right into the tuition price.
%h2 Where Innovation Takes Root
When considering where to get the ideal bootcamp experience, many people immediately
think about places like San Francisco, NYC, Seattle, London, or other sprawling
tech hubs.
However, a number of destination spots have recently popped up abroad that cater
to those who wish to trade the unrelenting hustle and bustle of city life for
more serene, natural environments.
Combined with the fact that the bootcamp market is becoming increasingly saturated
in the US, a lot of coding students are starting to opt for more rustic,
= link_to "pastoral settings" , "/"
 abroad. Not only are they getting more picturesque scenery and fewer distractions,
but many students find they can better de-stress and unwind in more natural
locales in-between their rigorous studies.
=blog_image "nature.jpg"
Whether youre getting some fresh air on a quick hike through the forest during breaks
or if youre feeling stuck, learning in a place where youre surrounded by nature
allows you to better recuperate and work more productively.
When Einstein said, “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better,”
he wasnt just waxing philosophical -- he wasnt actually onto something rooted in science.
Among the many mental and physical health
=ext_link "benefits," , "http://www.businessinsider.com/scientific-benefits-of-nature-outdoors-2016-4/"
spending time in nature is shown to restore mental energy, alleviate stress, sharpen
thinking and creativity, and improve short-term memory, concentration, and sleep
In a
= ext_link "University of Michigan study," , "http://www.spring.org.uk/2009/01/memory-improved-20-by-nature-walk.php"
students were given memory tests and then divided into two groups.
One group walked around an arboretum, the other walked down a city street.
When the groups retook the test, those who walked around the city did not
consistently improve, and the group that walked among trees performed almost 20% better
than the first time!
%h3 Code On!
Deciding that you wanted to become a professional coder was the easy part.
Now begins the hard work. But youre okay with that -- because coders are problem
solvers at heart!
As you prepare to launch into this exciting, somewhat scary, but undeniably rewarding
endeavor, keep in mind that -- like anything else -- becoming an expert coder takes
discipline, commitment, passion, and a relentless drive to keep learning and keep growing.
Throughout this article, weve explored several ways that aspiring coders can maximize
their learning opportunities and potential for success with bootcamps.
Ultimately, its up to you to decide what you feel will work best for you
as you set out on your journey to becoming a professional programmer.
Just remember that its never too late
=link_to "to start." , "/apply"