
17 lines
969 B

school: "When and where did you finish school. What were you good at, what did you enjoy"
uni: "Did you go to university or similar, what degree, did you finish, when"
internship: "Any relevant internships you have done, and what they were about"
work: "Do you have work experience, in what field, what were your responsibilities. (with dates)"
projects: "Did you do any technical project, alone or in a group."
tech_skills: "What technical skills have you already acquired. Try to evaluate your proficency at them."
soft_skills: "What non technical skills would you say you are good at"
interests: "Tell us a bit about your general interest"
motivation: "What motivates you to apply for a bootcamp. And why this one specifically."
finance: "How do you plan to raise the funds if you are accepted."
other: "Anything else you would like to mention"
street: "Street"
city: "City"
country: "Country"