improve supporting pages

This commit is contained in:
Torsten Ruger 2016-11-30 15:27:29 +02:00
parent 495a4c2e6b
commit f61a02d392
9 changed files with 164 additions and 126 deletions

View File

@ -34,12 +34,17 @@
%li.icon-angle-right= link_to "Payment Plans" , page_path(:payment)
%li.icon-angle-right= link_to "Application Process", page_path(:apply)
%li.icon-angle-right= link_to "Prepare yourself", page_path(:prepare)
%li.icon-angle-right= link_to "Diversity scholarships" , page_path(:diversity_scholarships)
%h6.letter-spacing-1 OPPORTUNITIES
%li.icon-angle-right= link_to "Sponsoring" , page_path(:sponsoring)
%li.icon-angle-right= link_to "For Companies" , page_path(:for_companies)
%li.icon-angle-right= link_to "Sponsor diversity" , page_path(:sponsor_diversity)
%h6.letter-spacing-1 JOBS
%li.icon-angle-right= link_to "Teaching" , page_path(:teaching)
%li.icon-angle-right= link_to "Marketing" , page_path(:margetingjob)
%h5.letter-spacing-1 Account

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
- title! "Diversity Scholarships"
%h1 Diversity Scholarships
%p.lead.centered.font-lato Creating the balance in tech
While there has been much talk has been about diversity in tech, the figures are not
changing very fast. Web Dev Camp, and it's sponsors, want to help change that by offering
regular scholarships for women and otherwise underrepresented minorities in tech.
Scholarships are either 25% or 50% off the normal price, depending on the case.
To apply for a scholarship a candidate must apply in the normal fashion and be accepted.
During the application process she must fill in the finance section of the form that
she is applying for a scholarship. If a scholarship is available (see below) and she
is accepted, the scholarship will be granted.
Scholarship availability is limited, currently to one place per cohort. Web Dev Camp
=link_to "looking for companies" , page_path(:sponsor_diversity)
to increase this number.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
- title! "Oppertunities for companies"
- description! "Oppertunities for companies: Developer sourcing, Insourcing, Developer Training, Project mockups"
%h1 Oppertunities for companies
Companies may struggle to find talent, especially diverse talent, or end up paying a lot for
developer training.
%h2 Developer sourcing
Web development is an area that grows so fast that there seems to be a constant need for
developers. Many companies have difficulties recruiting as fast as they wish to grow.
An ideal new employee could start being productive right away. But web development is
not construction and so
= succeed "," do
%b even experienced developers have to be brought up to speed
taught the companys unique stack of technical solutions.
As an initial training seems inevitable companies have realized that younger developers can
be useful for a variety of tasks. Since they have to be trained anyway, that main
requirement is a basic set of knowledge. Web Dev Camp teaches exactly that set of basic skills
so that
%b graduates become productive in basic tasks very quickly.
Companies that have realizes the usefulness of this approach can sponsor Web Dev Camp and
receive up to the minute trained young professionals.
%h2 Developer training
Companies that have web or programming expertise may use Web Dev Camp as a
%b training camp for their developers.
Anyone who has ever taught can attest to the fact that you don't really know a subject until
you have taught it. Only when we are bombarded with the strange question that only a beginner
can have, and have to explain the subject not only in our own words, but in the words of the
student, do we really make the step from thinking we know, to knowing.
Companies who realize the benefit of this may partner with Web Dev Camp for a regular
teacher exchange.
%h2 Insourcing
The size and importance of web projects means that it companies need to have
%b web development experience in house.
Instead of outsourcing the whole process, it is better to have some expertise
in house. This may range from a single technical advisor to building a small team
that participate in the initial construction and then performs maintenance.
Often it can be
%b easier to teach an existing domain expert
the technical knowledge, than to
teach an outside technical person the domain. Also, this leaves the company with more
knowledge in house, vs having to spend time to teach an outsider only to have both that
and the technical knowledge vanish after the project is completed.
%h2 Project mockups
Companies often create a mockup before embarking on the real project. For example to
%b establish technical feasibility , usability
and more often also for requirement gathering.
Doing web application mockups can be prohibitively expensive, especially for smaller companies
or departments.
%b Web Dev Students can create mockups,
especially in their final weeks.
The approach is especially constructive if a representative of the company is on the
course, either as a teacher, or student.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
- title! "Sponsor diversity"
%h1 Support Diversity With Your Sponsorship
Join Web Dev Camp
= link_to "to further diversity" , page_path(:diversity_scholarships)
in tech.
Web Dev camp's
= link_to "diversity scholarships" , page_path(:diversity_scholarships)
are funded by companies wishing to make a pro diversity statement and help
industry become more balanced.
%li Advertise your commitment on your web page
%li Share your commitment socially
%li Placement on Web Dev Camp web page
%li Advertised on Web Dev Camp's social channels
You can either sponsor a whole, or half a scholarship. Off course half year and
yearly commitments are possible too.
%a{:href => ""} Contact us
for details.

View File

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- title! "Sponsoring"
- description! "Sponsoring Web Dev Camp, Developer sourcing, Insourcing, Developer Training, Project mockups"
%h1 Sponsoring Web Dev Camp
Web Dev Camp is looking for sponsors and can offer companies the benefits below.
%h2 Developer sourcing
Web development is an area that grows so fast that there seems to be a constant need for
developers. Many companies have difficulties recruiting as fast as they wish to grow.
An ideal new employee could start being productive right away. But web development is
not construction and so
= succeed "," do
%b even experienced developers have to be brought up to speed
taught the companys unique stack of technical solutions.
As an initial training seems inevitable companies have realized that younger developers can
be useful for a variety of tasks. Since they have to be trained anyway, that main
requirement is a basic set of knowledge. Web Dev Camp teaches exactly that set of basic skills
so that
%b graduates become productive in basic tasks very quickly.
Companies that have realizes the usefulness of this approach can sponsor Web Dev Camp and
receive up to the minute trained young professionals.
%h2 Insourcing
The size and importance of web projects means that it companies need to have
%b web development experience in house.
Instead of outsourcing the whole process, it is better to have some expertise
in house. This may range from a single technical advisor to building a small team
that participate in the initial construction and then performs maintenance.
Often it can be
%b easier to teach an existing domain expert
the technical knowledge, than to
teach an outside technical person the domain. Also, this leaves the company with more
knowledge in house, vs having to spend time to teach an outsider only to have both that
and the technical knowledge vanish after the project is completed.
%h2 Developer training
Companies that have web or programming expertise may use Web Dev Camp as a
%b training camp for their developers.
Anyone who has ever taught can attest to the fact that you don't really know a subject until
you have taught it. Only when we are bombarded with the strange question that only a beginner
can have, and have to explain the subject not only in our own words, but in the words of the
student, do we really make the step from thinking we know, to knowing.
Companies who realize the benefit of this may partner with Web Dev Camp for a regular
teacher exchange.
%h2 Project mockups
Companies often create a mockup before embarking on the real project. For example to
%b establish technical feasibility , usability
and more often also for requirement gathering.
Doing web application mockups can be prohibitively expensive, especially for smaller companies
or departments.
%b Web Dev Students can create mockups,
especially in their final weeks.
The approach is especially constructive if a representative of the company is on the
course, either as a teacher, or student.

View File

@ -1,38 +1,27 @@
- title! "Teaching at web dev camp"
- description! "Teaching at Web Dev Camp"
%h1 Teaching opportunities
%p.lead.font-lato You learn most by teaching
Web Dev Camp is looking for working professionals who are ready to test their knowledge,
by having it questioned in the most rigorous way:
by the untrained mind.
If you think you know your stuff, be it html, css, programming or any web related topic, we
invite you to test that knowledge. And we can almost guarantee that you will learn just as
much as the students.
Web Dev Camp offers teaching "breaks" from 1-4 weeks. Compensation includes accommodation in
the beautiful
= succeed "," do
=link_to "Villa Taika" , "" , target: :blank
full board, possibly for your partner too.
Depending on your experience and length of stay the flight and more may be negotiated.
Working hours can be negotiated and will largely be
compromised of tutoring and one-on-one teaching, plus a small amount of frontal teaching for
small groups.
After hours, and especially after the teaching, you can explore Finland.
%h1 Sponsors
Companies have several ways to sponsor Web Dev Camp. Read more
=succeed "." do
=link_to "here" , page_path(:sponsoring)
%h1 Teaching opportunities
%p.lead.centered.font-lato You only learn how much you know by teaching
Web Dev Camp is looking for working professionals who are ready to test their knowledge,
by having it questioned in the most rigorous way:
by the untrained mind.
If you think you know your stuff, be it html, css, programming or any web related topic, we
invite you to test that knowledge. And we can almost guarantee that you will learn just as
much as the students.
Web Dev Camp offers teaching "breaks" from 1-4 weeks. Compensation includes accommodation in
the beautiful
= succeed "," do
=link_to "Villa Taika" , "" , target: :blank
full board, possibly for your partner too.
Depending on your experience and length of stay the flight and more may be negotiated.
Working hours can be negotiated and will largely be
compromised of tutoring and one-on-one teaching, plus a small amount of frontal teaching for
small groups.
After hours, and especially after the teaching, you can explore Finland.

View File

@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ en:
With the Super flex fee you only have to pay for the next 2 weeks ahead, and you can stop
any time you like. Super flex costs 2900€ for every 2 week module.
See full details in our <a href="/payments">Payment page</a>.
See full details in our <a href="/payment">Payment page</a>.
q: Where can I get a loan if I don't have the money?
a: >

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do
get '/web', to: redirect("/course")
get '/method', to: redirect("/course")
get '/teachers',to: redirect("/course#teachers")
get '/sponsoring',to: redirect("/sponsor_diversity")
namespace :admin do
resources :users

View File

@ -3,25 +3,25 @@ describe "Site integrity" do
@pages = {}
def walks url
def walk url , from = nil
return if url.include? "http"
return if url.include? "mailto"
visit url
puts "Failed #{url}"
rescue => e
puts "Failed #{url} , from #{from}"
raise e
page.all("a").each do |p|
ref = p[:href]
next unless ref = p[:href]
next if @pages.has_key? ref
next unless ref
@pages[ref] = false
walks ref
@pages[ref] = true
walk ref , url
it "renders ok" do
walks "/"
expect{ walk "/" }.not_to raise_exception