susyfy module of course

This commit is contained in:
Torsten Ruger 2016-11-25 14:25:16 +02:00
parent 651826c92f
commit b33eb77f4e
2 changed files with 335 additions and 349 deletions

View File

@ -10,6 +10,16 @@ svg.pie
stroke-width: 32
stroke-dasharray: 25 100
@include container(90%)
@include span(100%)
width: 16px
height: 16px
@include span(3 of 12)
@include container(90%)

View File

@ -90,362 +90,338 @@
%li.icon-angle-right Continuous
Every two weeks we cover the fundamental topics, while going deeper with each iteration.
= image_tag "pie/green-info.jpg" , width: "15px"
= pie 75
Use hover or click on the topics to get more info
%h2.centered Introduction
Initial teaching happens in small groups where you will be able to ask questions immediately.
You will be building useful apps for real people throughout the course.
Basic box model
Boxes in boxes is a simple way to think about html. You'll learn a little about it's
initial shortcomings and current standards.
We introduce
= link_to "Haml" , "" , target: :blank
as a shorter, more concise and error free way of writing correct html.
Also you'll learn about the type of boxes and how they can be arranged, in other
words the connection to css.
Style basics
If we think of html elements as boxes, then we can think of css as labels on these
boxes. The label describes the box and importantly there is a finite number of
This is the basic distinction between content and style. Over the course you will
learn more and more about the myriad of ways css can be used. Similar to Haml,
=link_to "Sass" , "" , target: :blank
is a shorthand and more semantic (but equivalent) way of writing css.
Object model
We are physical beings, and are well trained to think in terms of innate "things"
having given properties. In one of the easiest to understand ways of programming
we call the things object and their properties attributes.
You will learn basic concepts of object oriented programming in Ruby, which is very
thorough in it's approach to treating everything as an object, and the concept of
class. We will see how procedural code (think cooking recipes) slot nicely into
this model as methods.
Software development is all about teamwork. Even tools have got much better, so have timetables
shrunk. In any meaningful project we rely on other people's strengths to achieve a goal.
We will talk about the different roles and skills people have, not just to see
what a software developer is, but also to open the scope of possibilities for your
future career. People are best at what they enjoy and a large part of the course is
finding out what you are good at.
Also projects are heavily dependent on often open source libraries, tools and
frameworks. The first of which are your os, editor, command-line and browser.
Object table model
SQL databases are a ubiquitous, well understood and efficient way to store data. The
standard way of storing objects, maps classes to a tables and rows to objects.
You will learn how this object table model is implemented in rails, or rather active
record and try out the tools that come with it. We also talk a little bit about
Testing as assurance
Testing has been more of a nice idea in software engineering for a long time, before
finally, and especially in the ruby community, becoming a reality.
There really is no other way to know that the software we write does what we intend
it to do, as you will be able to experience yourself very quickly.
You will learn different types of testing and we will touch on frameworks and test
%h2 Introduction
Initial teaching happens in small groups where you will be able to ask questions immediately.
You will be building useful apps for real people throughout the course.
Basic box model
Boxes in boxes is a simple way to think about html. You'll learn a little about it's
initial shortcomings and current standards.
We introduce
= link_to "Haml" , "" , target: :blank
as a shorter, more concise and error free way of writing correct html.
Also you'll learn about the type of boxes and how they can be arranged, in other
words the connection to css.
Style basics
If we think of html elements as boxes, then we can think of css as labels on these
boxes. The label describes the box and importantly there is a finite number of
This is the basic distinction between content and style. Over the course you will
learn more and more about the myriad of ways css can be used. Similar to Haml,
=link_to "Sass" , "" , target: :blank
is a shorthand and more semantic (but equivalent) way of writing css.
Object model
We are physical beings, and are well trained to think in terms of innate "things"
having given properties. In one of the easiest to understand ways of programming
we call the things object and their properties attributes.
You will learn basic concepts of object oriented programming in Ruby, which is very
thorough in it's approach to treating everything as an object, and the concept of
class. We will see how procedural code (think cooking recipes) slot nicely into
this model as methods.
Software development is all about teamwork. Even tools have got much better, so have timetables
shrunk. In any meaningful project we rely on other people's strengths to achieve a goal.
We will talk about the different roles and skills people have, not just to see
what a software developer is, but also to open the scope of possibilities for your
future career. People are best at what they enjoy and a large part of the course is
finding out what you are good at.
Also projects are heavily dependent on often open source libraries, tools and
frameworks. The first of which are your os, editor, command-line and browser.
Object table model
SQL databases are a ubiquitous, well understood and efficient way to store data. The
standard way of storing objects, maps classes to a tables and rows to objects.
You will learn how this object table model is implemented in rails, or rather active
record and try out the tools that come with it. We also talk a little bit about
Testing as assurance
Testing has been more of a nice idea in software engineering for a long time, before
finally, and especially in the ruby community, becoming a reality.
There really is no other way to know that the software we write does what we intend
it to do, as you will be able to experience yourself very quickly.
You will learn different types of testing and we will touch on frameworks and test
%h2.centered Communication
You will be assigned a younger student to whom youll explain the topic.
You will notice that to achieve the clarity needed to express yourself,
you will need to study yourself.
Dynamic html generation
Here you learn a little more about the DOM and and how it can be used to create
simple dynamic pages, eg endless scrolling.
We use existing tools and server side responses to generate html on the client.
%h2 Communication
You will be assigned a younger student to whom youll explain the topic.
You will notice that to achieve the clarity needed to express yourself,
you will need to study yourself.
Dynamic html generation
Here you learn a little more about the DOM and and how it can be used to create
simple dynamic pages, eg endless scrolling.
We use existing tools and server side responses to generate html on the client.
Semantic css / susy
Reviewing bootstrap html code we will see that it does not adhere to the content/style
separation we learned. To do it right, we introduce the concept of semantic css. This
gives meaningful names to our styles and lets them build ourselves.
You'll earn
=link_to "Susy" , "" , target: :blank
and how to build your own grid system.
Concurrency and closures
Concurrency, several or even many things happening at the same time, has been a
difficult topic up to quite recently. You will learn better concurrency models like
the actor model and channels. Especially actors are easy to understand and reason
about since they just extend the object model to "active" objects.
When a piece of code is passed of to another part of the program to be executed later,
one talk of closures, and we will see the somewhat different light this shed on
variable lifetime.
Advanced git
After having gained some hands on experience, you will understand the problems better
and so we will go into more advanced usage of git.
This will give you a glimpse into how large project are run, both in the open source
world and in companies. After the theory you may choose to deepen this part or not,
since in larger projects this is usually a separate role.
Going deeper into how to find objects in the database we learn about scopes, some
simple sql clauses and how to actually use sql in queries.
You will learn the tools to build complex search interfaces and use pagination
on the results.
Continuous testing
The next step will be to integrate our test fully into our workflow. This simply means
that no work should be accepted before adequate test are written and fixing bugs
should always start by writing test.
To make the should a reality we make testing automatic both for the developer, and
for the current state of the committed source (in git). We will see the tools needed
to alert us directly of any shortcomings.
= pie(75)
%h2.centered Presentation
You will give 2 presentations on your chosen topics (group and solo).
Presentations are a practical demonstration of the work you will have completed,
and will provide you further insight for future learning.
Dom, the api for Html
The Document Object Model (
=link_to "DOM", "" , target: :blank
) gives us a programmatic interface to the rendered
content. While html describes the static structure and a transport mechanism, the dom
gives us a way to programmatically create, update and delete arbitrary nodes.
This is the foundation for the modern web and client side applications.
Bootstrap / Frameworks
As in other language, css has libraries and frameworks that we can reuse. A modern
framework like Bootstrap or Foundation will not only make the basic html "look good".
You will also learn about standard elements, eg modern navigation, menus, dropdowns,
callouts, buttons and many more. you'll see how a grid system works and how eg
bootstrap solves the multi-device issue.
Associations and structures
Objects are great at modeling single entities, but in programs we need to model large
system, invariably containing many objects.
You will learn about different data structures and their different properties. Like
how they are accessed, how they store data and which are good for what purpose.
We will theoretically brush on O(n) and practically experiment with access and
Git basics
The sharing of code has always been very important but never as easy and efficient as
today, with git. Even more, online sharing sites like
=link_to "", "" , target: :blank
fuel open source community by sharing publicly and across projects.
You'll learn the basic workflow and will practice this in your own projects.
In the same way we need structures for programming, we need associations in databases.
You'll learn how associations are implemented and how they relate to the structures
we have learned in the programming sessions.
We see how associations are implemented as in rails by using metaprogramming
techniques to create a very intuitive api.
Rspec framework
In the second module we will concentrate on exploring and using RSpec, a commonly
used testing framework. We will be writing different tests and use supporting tools
for creating mock object, managing database "cleanliness" and interacting with the
application as if our test were a user.
= pie 101
%h2.centered Mastery
You can choose your final assignment according to your interests and previous work.
You will work in a group on a final project to show mastery of the topic.
Client side applications
Going further into client side api's and cross compilation we examine languages
that can be used instead of using JavaScript directly, specifically
=link_to "coffee script" , "" , target: :blank
=link_to "opal" , "" , target: :blank
We will look at evolving tools to write client side applications, like
=link_to "volt" , "" , target: :blank
=link_to "clearwater" , "" , target: :blank
=link_to "webix" , "" , target: :blank
You will also have an opportunity to look at pure JavaScript frameworks like
Angular, Ember, and Backbone.
Mobile first, breakpoints
While learning about Bootstrap, we touched on the multi-device concept and now go
deeper into mobile first development. You'll learn what
=link_to "Breakpoints" , "" , target: :blank
are and how to implement one design that can be viewed on multiple devices.
Other languages
Ruby is off course just one of many languages and since by the seventh week you will
have learned enough about it, we can start comparing it to other languages. Some of
which are similar, some strange, some very different.
Off course we will also cover JavaScript basics and ways to avoid some of JavaScripts
strangeness by using languages that compile to JavaScript.
You may also choose to learn a completely different language at this point, eg
= link_to "Go" , "" , target: :blank
Communication skills
Off course code is by far not the only way developers communicate and so we will
go into the importance of both communicating precisely both in documentation
and presentation.
We will practice both areas and learn some modeling visualization on the way.
Also we debunk the common misconception that open source means that ownership is
not important. This is especially important when wanting to collaborate in open
source projects, which you have a chance to.
Performance, NoSql
We briefly look at database and application performance. The ways to scale, optimize
and benchmark. This is an advanced topic, but you will learn to understand the issues.
Finally we will explore the alternatives a little, so called NoSql, the concept of
graph, object or document databases and possible uses.
Client side testing
Client side testing, like client side applications, is still quite young. But progress
has been made and especially with the ruby tools we will see how.
At the same time we will go into more depth on testing JavaScript enhanced web sites
like the ones we will be building in this last module of the course.
Semantic css / susy
Reviewing bootstrap html code we will see that it does not adhere to the content/style
separation we learned. To do it right, we introduce the concept of semantic css. This
gives meaningful names to our styles and lets them build ourselves.
You'll earn
=link_to "Susy" , "" , target: :blank
and how to build your own grid system.
Concurrency and closures
Concurrency, several or even many things happening at the same time, has been a
difficult topic up to quite recently. You will learn better concurrency models like
the actor model and channels. Especially actors are easy to understand and reason
about since they just extend the object model to "active" objects.
When a piece of code is passed of to another part of the program to be executed later,
one talk of closures, and we will see the somewhat different light this shed on
variable lifetime.
Advanced git
After having gained some hands on experience, you will understand the problems better
and so we will go into more advanced usage of git.
This will give you a glimpse into how large project are run, both in the open source
world and in companies. After the theory you may choose to deepen this part or not,
since in larger projects this is usually a separate role.
Going deeper into how to find objects in the database we learn about scopes, some
simple sql clauses and how to actually use sql in queries.
You will learn the tools to build complex search interfaces and use pagination
on the results.
Continuous testing
The next step will be to integrate our test fully into our workflow. This simply means
that no work should be accepted before adequate test are written and fixing bugs
should always start by writing test.
To make the should a reality we make testing automatic both for the developer, and
for the current state of the committed source (in git). We will see the tools needed
to alert us directly of any shortcomings.
= pie(75)
%h2 Presentation
You will give 2 presentations on your chosen topics (group and solo).
Presentations are a practical demonstration of the work you will have completed,
and will provide you further insight for future learning.
Dom, the api for Html
The Document Object Model (
=link_to "DOM", "" , target: :blank
) gives us a programmatic interface to the rendered
content. While html describes the static structure and a transport mechanism, the dom
gives us a way to programmatically create, update and delete arbitrary nodes.
This is the foundation for the modern web and client side applications.
Bootstrap / Frameworks
As in other language, css has libraries and frameworks that we can reuse. A modern
framework like Bootstrap or Foundation will not only make the basic html "look good".
You will also learn about standard elements, eg modern navigation, menus, dropdowns,
callouts, buttons and many more. you'll see how a grid system works and how eg
bootstrap solves the multi-device issue.
Associations and structures
Objects are great at modeling single entities, but in programs we need to model large
system, invariably containing many objects.
You will learn about different data structures and their different properties. Like
how they are accessed, how they store data and which are good for what purpose.
We will theoretically brush on O(n) and practically experiment with access and
Git basics
The sharing of code has always been very important but never as easy and efficient as
today, with git. Even more, online sharing sites like
=link_to "", "" , target: :blank
fuel open source community by sharing publicly and across projects.
You'll learn the basic workflow and will practice this in your own projects.
In the same way we need structures for programming, we need associations in databases.
You'll learn how associations are implemented and how they relate to the structures
we have learned in the programming sessions.
We see how associations are implemented as in rails by using metaprogramming
techniques to create a very intuitive api.
Rspec framework
In the second module we will concentrate on exploring and using RSpec, a commonly
used testing framework. We will be writing different tests and use supporting tools
for creating mock object, managing database "cleanliness" and interacting with the
application as if our test were a user.
= pie 101
%h2 Mastery
You can choose your final assignment according to your interests and previous work.
You will work in a group on a final project to show mastery of the topic.
Client side applications
Going further into client side api's and cross compilation we examine languages
that can be used instead of using JavaScript directly, specifically
=link_to "coffee script" , "" , target: :blank
=link_to "opal" , "" , target: :blank
We will look at evolving tools to write client side applications, like
=link_to "volt" , "" , target: :blank
=link_to "clearwater" , "" , target: :blank
=link_to "webix" , "" , target: :blank
You will also have an opportunity to look at pure JavaScript frameworks like
Angular, Ember, and Backbone.
Mobile first, breakpoints
While learning about Bootstrap, we touched on the multi-device concept and now go
deeper into mobile first development. You'll learn what
=link_to "Breakpoints" , "" , target: :blank
are and how to implement one design that can be viewed on multiple devices.
Other languages
Ruby is off course just one of many languages and since by the seventh week you will
have learned enough about it, we can start comparing it to other languages. Some of
which are similar, some strange, some very different.
Off course we will also cover JavaScript basics and ways to avoid some of JavaScripts
strangeness by using languages that compile to JavaScript.
You may also choose to learn a completely different language at this point, eg
= link_to "Go" , "" , target: :blank
Communication skills
Off course code is by far not the only way developers communicate and so we will
go into the importance of both communicating precisely both in documentation
and presentation.
We will practice both areas and learn some modeling visualization on the way.
Also we debunk the common misconception that open source means that ownership is
not important. This is especially important when wanting to collaborate in open
source projects, which you have a chance to.
Performance, NoSql
We briefly look at database and application performance. The ways to scale, optimize
and benchmark. This is an advanced topic, but you will learn to understand the issues.
Finally we will explore the alternatives a little, so called NoSql, the concept of
graph, object or document databases and possible uses.
Client side testing
Client side testing, like client side applications, is still quite young. But progress
has been made and especially with the ruby tools we will see how.
At the same time we will go into more depth on testing JavaScript enhanced web sites
like the ones we will be building in this last module of the course.