convert faq

with homw made accordion, jippie
This commit is contained in:
Torsten Ruger 2016-11-08 19:32:23 +02:00
parent e3448455a6
commit a362956445
9 changed files with 523 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -19,5 +19,3 @@
//= require morphext
//= require web_js
//= require tooltipster.bundle
// mixitup

View File

@ -55,3 +55,13 @@ $(document).ready ->
_screenHeight = jQuery(window).height() - _headerHeight
jQuery('.fullheight').height _screenHeight
$(document).ready ->
allPanels = $('#faq_toggle > .toggle-content').hide()
$('#faq_toggle > label').click ->
n = $(this).next()
return if':visible')

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
*= require web_dev
*= require tooltipster.bundle
*= require tether
*= require toggle
@import 'bootstrap';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
/** 41. Toggles & Accordions
*************************************************** **/
div.toggle {
margin: 10px 0 0;
position: relative;
clear: both;
div.toggle > label {
color: #333;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 16px;
padding: 10px 20px;
position: relative;
display: block;
border-bottom: rgba(0,0,0,0.03) 1px solid;
-webkit-border-radius: 0;
-moz-border-radius: 0;
border-radius: 0;
-webkit-transition: all .10s ease-out;
-moz-transition: all .10s ease-out;
-o-transition: all .10s ease-out;
transition: all .10s ease-out;
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
section.dark div.toggle > label {
color: #fff;
div.toggle div.toggle-content {
border: rgba(0,0,0,0.03) 1px solid;
display: none;
margin-top: -5px;
padding: 15px 20px;
-webkit-border-radius: 0;
-moz-border-radius: 0;
border-radius: 0;
div.toggle div.toggle-content p:last-child {
section.dark div.toggle div.toggle-content {
div.toggle > label:before {
content: '';
border: 6px solid transparent;
border-top-color: inherit;
position: absolute;
top: 50%; right: 14px;
margin-top: -3px;
div.toggle > label:hover {
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.15);
div.toggle > label + p {
color: #888;
height: 25px;
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
padding-left: 10px;
} > label:before {
border: 6px solid transparent;
right: 14px; margin-top: -10px;
.toggle .toggle-content {
border:0 !important;
/* transparent body */
.toggle.toggle-transparent .toggle-content,
.toggle.toggle-transparent-body .toggle-content {
.toggle.toggle-transparent-body label {
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.03);
.toggle.toggle-transparent-body label:hover {
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.04);
/* transparent full */
.toggle.toggle-transparent label:hover,
.toggle.toggle-transparent label {
.toggle.toggle-transparent label {
/* bordered simple */
.toggle.toggle-bordered-simple label:hover,
.toggle.toggle-bordered-simple label {
border:#ccc 1px solid;
/* bordered full */
.toggle.toggle-bordered-full label:hover,
.toggle.toggle-bordered-full label {
border:#ccc 1px solid;
.toggle.toggle-bordered-full div.toggle:last-child>label {
border-bottom:#ccc 1px solid;
.toggle.toggle-bordered-full>label {
.toggle.toggle-bordered-full .toggle-content {
border:#ccc 1px solid !important;
border-top:0 !important;
border-bottom:0 !important;
.toggle.toggle-bordered-full div.toggle {
/* noicon */
.toggle.toggle-noicon div.toggle > label:before {

View File

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ section.parallax
font-size: 3em
font-weight: 300
/** Proxima nova
**************************************************** *

View File

@ -27,4 +27,8 @@ module ApplicationHelper
def social_link href , kind , &block
link_to(href , {class: "social-icon social-icon-sm social-#{kind}" , target: :blank } , &block)
def faq_sections

View File

@ -1,28 +1,21 @@
- title! "Questions and answers"
- description! "Questions and answers, FAQ"
%ul.nav.nav-pills.mix-filter.margin-bottom-30{"data-filter" => "all"}
%a{:href => "#"} All
%li.filter{"data-filter" => "course"}
%a{:href => "#course"} Course content
%li.filter{"data-filter" => "application"}
%a{:href => "#application"} Application
%li.filter{"data-filter" => "payment"}
%a{:href => "#payment"} Payment
%li.filter{"data-filter" => "stay"}
%a{:href => "#stay"} Stay
%li.filter{"data-filter" => "career"}
%a{:href => "#career"} Career
= render "faq/course"
= render "faq/application"
= render "faq/payment"
= render "faq/stay"
= render "faq/career"
%ul.nav.nav-tabs{:role => "tablist"}
-faq_sections.each do |section|
%a.nav-link{"data-toggle" => "tab", :href => "#t#{section}", :role => "tab", :class => ("active" if "course" == section)}=section.capitalize
-faq_sections.each do |section|
.tab-pane{:role => "tabpanel" , id: "t#{section}" , :class => ("active" if "course" == section)}
-t(section).keys.each do |qa|
= t("#{section}.#{qa}.q")
%p.clearfix= raw t("#{section}.#{qa}.a")

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
%em /module
%b 1 module prepayment.
%b 1 module prepayment
%b Easy Cancellation

config/locales/faq.en.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
q: Do I need to be able to program before applying?
a: >
In short: at least a little.
Since you will spend 8 solid weeks programming, with the intent of making it your carreer,
you should know what you're getting into.
Not being able to program and wanting to start a bootcamp may be comparable to not having run
5 kilometers, but wanting to train for marathon. The step is too big, and we don't want
you to break down half way anymore than you do.
Basic online tutorials, and lots of meetups are a good way to learn some programming and
get a feel of whether it is right for you. (also see the next question)
q: How can I best prepare for the course?
a: >
Get familiar with the tools. Most work is done with an editor, the command-line and a browser
developer tool, so get to know each. We suggest
<a href="" , target: :blank> Atom </a>,
<a href="" , target: :blank> Iterm </a>
and either safari or chrome developer tool. Fiddle around, get familiar, do some tutorials,
read up.
Whatever editor you choose, practice keyboard shortcuts. Most of the work is typing,
getting better at that will speed you up, once here.
Do some programming tutorials online to prepare. We recommend
<a href="" , target: :blank> Try Ruby</a>
<a href=" , target: :blank>CodeSchool</a>
<a href=" , target: :blank>Khan Academy</a>
q: How long in advance do I need to apply for the program?
a: >
You should finish your application at least 4 weeks before your first starting date (see below).
You can take as much time as you need to fill out your personal information,
and when you finish the application you can specify up to three starting dates.
Once we have your application, we will review it and possibly ask you for more information
or clarification. Then we will schedule a Skype interview, and once that is done, there is
typically a one to two week waiting period before we make a final decision about your application.
Upon receiving an invitation to join, you will have two weeks to transfer initial funds,
unless you have chosen the super-flex plan.
With good preparation and the super-flex plan, you can complete the process within one month,
though we encourage two or more months to plan successfully.
q: I already know how to program XXX, but don't know web technologies, can I still join?
a: >
Ultimately, it is your choice, of course, and the decision depends a lot on you and your motivation.
If, for example, you have coded c for less than 2 years and have never done any web, then
yes, it will be a very good idea to join. The head-start you have is quite small and will only
mean that you have more time to deepen your knowledge of Web technologies.
Say you have taught yourself JavaScript and done several web sites for friends. You know
about HTML, the DOM maybe even node.js. In that case it is better to aim for an internship
directly and read a few of the books we recommend.
q: What are you testing for in the interview?
a: >
The best thing to do is familiarize yourself with the course and be very clear on your
We do not test programming skill at all, rather we try to evaluate your analytical thinking.
Also we are very interested in your motivation, what has lead you to apply, what you think
you will do after, how do you justify the spending to yourself, how indeed you will fund
Lastly we try to evaluate your communication and emotional skills to see how you will deal
with the inescapability of co-living while doing intense work.
q: Will I get a job after this course?
a: >
This course provides you all the fundamentals that you would need to succeed in the web
development world. A lot is dependent on your abilities and strengths as a coder.
We have a network of companies we know and can help you get a suitable placement.
We also review the work you did during the course and help you find the right kind of job.
You can also stay on at the school, either if you want to or feel you have to, see below.
q: What kind of job can I get after finishing this course?
a: >
This depends a lot on your previous experience and what parts of the course suits you best.
Broadly speaking:
If you are very analytical, you could become a backend programmer. If you are more visually
inclined, you could become front end designer. Also, if you like the front end you may become
a front end application programmer. Or you may even train yourself to become a mobile platform
If you have strong people skills you may also go straight into management.
Larger teams have dedicated technical project managers who really need to know what is being
Also, support and testing roles typically have very similar requirements. What job you get is
really dependent on which ways you excel, which is usually linked to the areas that you enjoy.
q: Can I be a tutor after the course?
a: >
If you feel you want to spend some more time learning, teaching is a good way to do that.
We accept tutors for two or four weeks, but you must apply at least two weeks before the
end of your course.
Junior tutors get free board, but no money. For the second two weeks, or any stay beyond,
compensation is negotiable.
Tutors are expected to work for 6 hours, 6 days a week and may receive help with their own
project beyond that, time permitting.
q: Can I do an internship at Web Dev Camp?
a: >
We typically have a number of open source projects that we maintain or augment.
These require work in many areas and if we find a match between your skills and
our projects, then yes.
Internships are expected to work for 6 hours, 6 days a week, and in exceptional cases
act as tutors during that time.
Compensation is the same as for tutors, i.e two to 4 week increments, where we provide room
and board. All else is negotiable.
q: Should I take an internship if I can't find a job?
a: >
We suggest you look for a paying job for one or two months first. If you start with the
application process early and have grasped the content, you should be able to get at least a
junior development position. Or at the minimum a (short) trial period with a guarantee of a
job if you prove competent.
But, in case you don't find a job soon, then yes, we do recommend taking internships.
An internship will give you experience of real world job situations, teach you new tools,
languages, and allow you to add a relevant entry to your CV.
q: Why do you use Ruby as the main language?
a: >
Ruby is fun, easy to understand, well structured and has a strong community.
Ruby has very good tools, especially for web application development. Ruby on Rails
is over 10 years old. Rails invented and further developed application standards that have
been copied into many other languages.
Learning Ruby as a first language removes much of the difficulties found in other
languages and gives you a solid understanding of programming. Other languages will
be easy to pick up after having learned good practices in Ruby.
q: Do you teach languages other than Ruby, like JavaScript?
a: >
The assumption is that what we teach will be your first (serious) programming
language. Ruby is easy to understand, well structured, clean, very object-oriented
and has a very strong web community. In short it is a very good first language to learn.
We also teach front-end application development and some JavaScript. You will be able
to become proficient in JavaScript very easily after this course, but we focus on
its abilities and cross compilation (CofeeScript and Opal.rb).
You will also be able to focus on one other language if you choose, eg. Go, Python,
Erlang or C.
q: How many hours do you teach?
a: >
The official part of the course is 9 hours a day.
This means that for those nine hours you will either have lectures, be involved in group work
or work on your assignments. During these hours you can always ask and someone will be
present to answer your question.
But the course is short, and you may choose to work after hours. If you don't you are free to
do with your time as you please, as long as you don't disturb others.
q: Can I just come and learn JavaScript?
a: >
In short no.
We try to give our students a broad view of software development, from server programming,
testing, application deployment to client technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Just learning JavaScript tends to leave people with not enough background skills, leading
to low quality code and an enthusiasm to repeat known mistakes and reinvent the wheel as
We are by no means of the opinion that JavaScript is bad, its uniqueness is a great
opportunity and many good things are being done in js. It is just not a good
%b first
language and maybe best seen as a platform.
q: What computer should i bring?
a: >
A unix based, Mac or any Linux distribution.
We recommend a Mac, for it's ease of use. It is also the platform of choice for most
developers nowadays and has excellent support because of that.
For more experienced users, a Linux system will probably work just as well. Just when
something that should work doesn't , you are more on your own.
While ruby and rails itself will work on a windows machine, many ruby packages (especially
javascript related ones) are known to have strange problems. We strongly advise against
using windows.
q: Do I need to pay the whole fee before the course starts?
a: >
That depends. For the basic fee, yes. We require at least 2100€ after your acceptance
to the course, to be transferred at least 2 weeks prior to starting.
The full fee of €8400 needs to be transferred before you start the course. The basic fee
is not refundable if you change your mind, but if you have proven medical issues you can get
full unused weeks returned.
Like with plane tickets you can acquire more flexibility for a comparatively small extra cost.
In short, the flex fee (1200€ extra) lets you stop the course at any full week, while still
paying the full price up front.
With the super flex fee you only have to pay for the next 2 weeks ahead, and you can stop
any time you like. Super flex costs 2900€ for every 2 week module.
See full details in our <a href="/payments">Payment page</a>
q: Where can I get a loan if I don't have the money?
a: >
You can get a loan from many places: your parents or other relatives would be our first
suggestion. If they hear you are investing in your own future and should be able to
pay back within a year they may be glad to help.
Depending on your country banks are geared towards student loans. If you explain the situation
they could easily help.
Unfortunately we can not help directly as the legal implications are just too complicated for
a small company like us. We do offer ways for you to earn some of the money back if you don't
find a job immediately, see below.
q: Can I do work for my course fee?
a: >
Unfortunately this is a chicken and egg problem. Before the course, you will not have the
skills we need.
After the course we offer tutor positions or internship, see the career section.
Both of which will not help in a major way though, and you will still need the money
q: Can I pay after I obtain a job?
a: >
We are looking into this possibility, as we would like everyone to be able to participate,
regardless of financial status.
But at the moment, we must insist on the pre-payment.
q: How do I get there?
a: >
Most likely the first step is a plane. Europe flights are very cheap nowadays, and even
flying in from America makes sense, as you only have to do it once.
Pickup from the airport is included on the day before the course starts, though you may have
to wait a little for others. Otherwise you can take public transport, which sometimes stops
right in front of the house, or we pick you up from 5 minutes away.
Another option is a shared taxi, or a private bus, both of which we'll organize if need be.
In any case, we will either pick you up, or organize transport with you.
q: I see your place is remote, what about transport during the course?
a: >
We arrange all transport that is needed for the course.
Otherwise there are buses, cars or taxis. We have a bus stop right in front of our house,
though buses are infrequent. Our day off is Friday partly for the reason that buses run.
Some people may come with their car and you may be able to share. Also ride sharing is quite
common here and many people come and go, so you can easily get a ride.
If you share a taxi it is actually fairly priced. If you do not choose that option,
the bus will get you to Karjaa, from where the trains leave to Helsinki or Turku,
a 1 hour trip either way.
Last, but not least, you can ask us to organize transport.
We are happy to help, particularly for group activities.
q: I have food allergies / restrictions , can I still participate?
a: >
Please note your allergies early on in the application process.
Certainly vegetarian and even vegan food is no problem. Gluten-free can be arranged on request.
For other allergies you may have to give us very specific instructions, or do self-catering.
See next question.
q: Can I opt out of the food?
a: >
Yes, though we do not encourage it. Shared meals, like shared accommodation, provide valuable
bonding that you will need. The course is intense and it certainly helps to get to know
your co-students outside the technical frame you interact in during the course.
So if you have good reason, you can opt out of the lunches for 10€ a day and breakfast and
evening meal for another 10€ a day.
q: Can I opt out of accommodation?
a: >
If you really want to, yes. It will change your experience of the course quite a lot, and we
don't think necessarily for the better.
You will need a car to make this work as it is almost impossible to find accommodation among
the 40 houses of this village.
We refund 15€ per day.
q: How big are the shared rooms, can I have my own room?
a: >
Our rooms are between 15 and 40 square meter big and you will be sharing with one to three
others of your same gender.
We have normal single beds, no bunk beds or double beds. Two rooms share a toilet, the other
five have their own. We have a total of five showers.
There are no single rooms and there is no way to "upgrade".
You can choose to live off site, though it is discouraged.
q: What can I do in my free time?
a: >
We encourage you to do something relaxing, possibly physical, to relieve the mental
concentration that occurs.
Off course you can read, rest, go hiking swimming or cycling. We also have a weekly
traditional Finnish sauna. There are also nice local restaurants and bars.