move resumes default texts to locale

This commit is contained in:
Torsten Ruger 2016-08-23 16:41:29 +03:00
parent 0bb3a54c7e
commit 4c551a873f
3 changed files with 32 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -18,11 +18,12 @@ module ApplicationHelper
def sign_out_link
ssl = Rails.env.production? ? {protocol: :https } : {}
link_to "Sign out" , destroy_user_session_url(ssl)
link_to "Sign out" , destroy_user_session_url(ssl)
# define a bunch of defaults for the best_in_place call
def resume_in_place field , txt , attributes = {}
def resume_in_place field , attributes = {}
txt = I18n.t("resumes.#{field}")
br = proc {|txtt| raw(txtt.to_s.gsub("\n" , "<br>")) }
defaults = { :url => resume_path , place_holder: txt , display_with: br}
unless [:street , :city , :country].include? field

View File

@ -18,95 +18,95 @@
%b School:
= resume_in_place :school , "What is the highest level school you went to and what were you good at"
= resume_in_place :school
%b Uni:
= resume_in_place :uni , "Did you go to university or similar, what degree, did you finish"
= resume_in_place :uni
%b Internship:
= resume_in_place :internship , "Tell us about any relevant internships you have done, and what they were about"
= resume_in_place :internship
%b Work:
= resume_in_place :work , "Do you have work experience, in what field, what were your responsibilities."
= resume_in_place :work
%b Projects:
= resume_in_place :projects , "Did you do any technical project, alone or in a group"
= resume_in_place :projects
%b Tech skills:
= resume_in_place :tech_skills , "What technical skills have you already acquired"
= resume_in_place :tech_skills
%b Soft skills:
= resume_in_place :soft_skills , "What non technical skills would you say you are good at"
= resume_in_place :soft_skills
%b Intrests:
= resume_in_place :interests , "Tell us a bit about your general interest"
= resume_in_place :interests
%b Motivation:
= resume_in_place :motivation , "And what motivates you to apply for this course"
= resume_in_place :motivation
%b Finance plan:
= resume_in_place :finance , "What is your source of finance"
= resume_in_place :finance
%b Other:
= resume_in_place :other , "Anything else you would like to mention"
= resume_in_place :other
%b Address:
= resume_in_place :street , "Street"
= resume_in_place :street
%b City:
= resume_in_place :city , "City"
= resume_in_place :city
%b Country:
= resume_in_place :country , "Country"
= resume_in_place :country

View File

@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization
# and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other
# than English, add the necessary files in this directory.
# To use the locales, use `I18n.t`:
# I18n.t 'hello'
# In views, this is aliased to just `t`:
# <%= t('hello') %>
# To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`:
# I18n.locale = :es
# This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml.
# To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide
# available at
hello: "Hello world"
school: "What is the highest level school you went to and what were you good at"
uni: "Did you go to university or similar, what degree, did you finish"
internship: "Tell us about any relevant internships you have done, and what they were about"
work: "Do you have work experience, in what field, what were your responsibilities."
projects: "Did you do any technical project, alone or in a group"
tech_skills: "What technical skills have you already acquired"
soft_skills: "What non technical skills would you say you are good at"
interests: "Tell us a bit about your general interest"
motivation: "And what motivates you to apply for this course"
finance: "What is your source of finance"
other: "Anything else you would like to mention"
street: "Street"
city: "City"
country: "Country"