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module Parser
# Basic types are numbers and strings
module BasicTypes
include Parslet
# unicode generalized categories , according to regex ruby page
rule(:lower) { match "[[:lower:]]" } # Lowercase alphabetical character
rule(:upper) { match "[[:upper:]]" } # Uppercase alphabetical
rule(:alnum) { match "[[:alnum:]]" } # Alphabetic and numeric character
rule(:alpha) { match "[[:alpha:]]" } # Alphabetic character
rule(:blank) { match "[[:blank:]]" } # Space or tab
rule(:space) { match("[[:space:]]").repeat } # Whitespace character ([:blank:], newline, carriage return, etc.)
rule(:digit) { match "[[:digit:]]" } # Digit
rule(:graph) { match "[[:graph:]]" } # Non-blank character (excludes spaces, control characters, and similar)
rule(:print) { match "[[:print:]]" } # Like [:graph:], but includes the space character
rule(:xdigit) { match "[[:xdigit:]]"} # Digit allowed in a hexadecimal number (i.e., 0-9a-fA-F)
# rule of thumb is that anything eats space behind it, but only space, no newlines
rule(:space?) { space.maybe }
rule(:linebreak){ str("\n") >> space? >> linebreak.repeat }
rule(:quote) { str('"') }
rule(:nonquote) { str('"').absent? >> any }
rule(:comment){ match('#') >> (linebreak.absent? >> any).repeat >> linebreak }
rule(:newline) { (linebreak | comment) >> space? }
rule(:eol) { newline | any.absent? }
rule(:double_quote){ str('"') }
rule(:minus) { str('-') }
rule(:plus) { str('+') }
rule(:sign) { plus | minus }
rule(:dot) { str('.') }
rule(:digit) { match('[0-9]') }
rule(:exponent) { (str('e')| str('E')) }
rule(:type) { (str("int") | str("ref")).as(:type) >> space }
# identifier must start with lower case
# TODO rule forbit names like if_true, because it starts with a keyword. a little looser please!
rule(:name) { (keyword|type).absent? >> (match['a-z_'] >> match['a-zA-Z0-9_'].repeat).as(:name) >> space? }
# fields have type
rule(:field) { type >> name >> (assign >> ).maybe}
# and class/module names must start with capital
# (admittatly the rule matches constants too, but one step at a time)
rule(:module_name) { keyword.absent? >> (match['A-Z'] >> match['a-zA-Z0-9_'].repeat).as(:module_name) >> space? }
rule(:escape) { str('\\') >> }
rule(:string) { quote >> (
escape |
).repeat(1).as(:string) >> quote }
rule(:integer) { sign.maybe >> digit.repeat(1).as(:integer) >> space? }
rule(:float) { integer >> dot >> integer >>
(exponent >> sign.maybe >> digit.repeat(1,3)).maybe >> space?}
rule(:basic_type){ integer | name | string | float | field | module_name |
keyword_true | keyword_false | keyword_nil }