require_relative "setup" require "parslet/convenience" # Older test harness module ParserHelper def self.included(base) base.send :include, InstanceMethods #provides helpers and setup base.send :include, AST::if_true base.send :extend, ClassMethods #gets the method creation going end module InstanceMethods def setup @parser = @transform = end # check that @string_input parses correctly to @parse_output def check_parse is = @parser.parse_with_debug(@string_input) assert_equal @parse_output , is end #check that @parse_output transforms to @transform_output def check_transform is = @transform.apply @parse_output #puts is.transform assert_equal @transform_output , is end # check that @string_input parses and transforms to @transform_output def check_ast syntax = @parser.parse(@string_input) is = @transform.apply(syntax) puts is.inspect assert_equal @transform_output , is end def check_write test dirname = decamelize([10 .. -1] test = test[5 .. -1] syntax = @parser.parse_with_debug(@string_input) out = dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/" + dirname FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless File.exists?(dir) out_file = + "/" + test + ".tst", "w") out_file.puts @string_input out_file.puts "-- -- --" out_file.puts out out_file.close end def decamelize str str.gsub(/(^|[a-z])([A-Z])/) do ($1.empty?)? $2 : "#{$1}_#{$2}" end.downcase end def camelize str str.gsub(/(^|_)([a-z])/) { $2.upcase } end end module ClassMethods # this creates test methods dynamically. For each test_* method we create # three test_*[ast/parse/transf] methods that in turn check the three phases. # runnable_methods is called by minitest to determine which tests to run def runnable_methods tests = [] public_instance_methods(true).grep(/^test_/).map(&:to_s).each do |test| ["write"].each do |what| name = "#{test}_#{what}" tests << name self.send(:define_method, name ) do send(test) send("check_#{what}" , test) end end end tests end end end