require_relative "setup" require "parslet/convenience" require "ast/sexp" require "pp" class TestAll < MiniTest::Test include AST::Sexp SEPERATOR = "-- -- --" def check_file file inn , out = sexp = eval(out) begin syntax = rescue root = file.split("/")[2] parser = root.to_sym syntax = parser.parse_with_debug(inn ) end result = equal = (sexp == result) unless equal if ENV["FIX"] out_file =, "w") out_file.puts inn out_file.puts SEPERATOR out_file.puts result.inspect out_file.close puts "Fixed #{file}" sexp = result else pp syntax puts result.inspect end end assert_equal sexp , result check_transform sexp end def check_transform sexp code = Soml.ast_to_code sexp assert code.is_a?(Soml::Code) , "Returned #{code}" end # this creates test methods dynamically. For each test_* method we create # three test_*[ast/parse/transf] methods that in turn check the three phases. # runnable_methods is called by minitest to determine which tests to run def self.runnable_methods all = Dir["test/cases/*/*.tst"] tests =[] all.each do |file| name = file.sub("test/cases/","").sub("/","_").sub(".tst","") tests << name self.send(:define_method, name ) do send("check_file" , file) end end tests end end