Torsten Ruger d0b655d05f implement the div10 as assembler
easy after the some version worked
because it’s not arm it probably twice as long as need be
better (any?) optimisation would take care of that
still, nice to see it works
2015-11-21 14:20:25 +02:00

165 lines
7.2 KiB

module Register
# Booting is a complicated, so it is extracted into this file, even it has only one entry point
class Machine
# The general idea is that compiling is creating an object graph. Functionally
# one tends to think of methods, and that is complicated enough, sure.
# But for an object system the graph includes classes and all instance variables
# And so we have a chicken and egg problem. At the end of the boot function we want to have a
# working Space object
# But that has instance variables (List and Dictionary) and off course a class.
# Or more precisely in salama, a Layout, that points to a class.
# So we need a Layout, but that has Layout and Class too. hmmm
# The way out is to build empty shell objects and stuff the neccessary data into them
# (not use the normal initialize way)
# (PPS: The "real" solution is to read a sof graph and not do this by hand
# That graph can be programatically built and written (with this to boot that process :-))
# There are some helpers below, but the roadmap is something like:
# - create all the layouts, with thier layouts, but no classes
# - create a space by "hand" , using allocate, not new
# - create the class objects and assign them to the layouts
def boot_parfait!
#puts Sof.write(@space)
# layouts is where the snake bites its tail. Every chain end at a layout and then it
# goes around (circular references). We create them from the list below and keep them
# in an instance variable (that is a smell, because after booting it is not needed)
def boot_layouts
@layouts = {}
layout_names.each do |name , ivars |
@layouts[name] = layout_for( name , ivars)
layout_layout = @layouts[:Layout]
@layouts.each do |name , layout |
# once we have the layouts we can create the space by creating the instance variables
# by hand (can't call new yet as that uses the space)
def boot_space
space_dict = object_with_layout Parfait::Dictionary
space_dict.keys = object_with_layout Parfait::List
space_dict.values = object_with_layout Parfait::List
@space = object_with_layout Parfait::Space
@space.classes = space_dict
Parfait::Space.set_object_space @space
# when running code instantiates a class, a layout is created automatically
# but even to get our space up, we have already instantiated all layouts
# so we have to continue and allocate classes and fill the data by hand
# and off cource we can't use space.create_class , but still they need to go there
def boot_classes
classes = space.classes
layout_names.each do |name , vars|
cl = object_with_layout Parfait::Class
cl.object_layout = @layouts[name]
@layouts[name].object_class = cl
cl.instance_methods = object_with_layout Parfait::List
# puts "instance_methods is #{cl.instance_methods.class}" = name
classes[name] = cl
# superclasses other than default object
supers = { :Object => :Kernel , :Kernel => :Value,
:Integer => :Value , :BinaryCode => :Word }
layout_names.each do |classname , ivar|
next if classname == :Value # has no superclass
clazz = classes[classname]
super_name = supers[classname] || :Object
clazz.set_super_class_name super_name
# helper to create a Layout, name is the parfait name, ie :Layout
def layout_for( name , ivars )
l = Parfait::Layout.allocate.fake_init
l.add_instance_variable :layout , :Layout
ivars.each {|n,t| l.add_instance_variable( n , t) }
# create an object with layout (ie allocate it and assign layout)
# meaning the lauouts have to be booted, @layouts filled
# here we pass the actual (ruby) class
def object_with_layout(cl)
o = cl.allocate.fake_init
name ="::").last.to_sym
o.set_layout @layouts[name]
# the function really just returns a constant (just avoiding the constant)
# unfortuantely that constant condenses every detail about the system, class names
# and all instance variable names. Really have to find a better way
def layout_names
{ :Word => {:char_length => :Integer} ,
:List => {:indexed_length => :Integer} ,
:Message => { :next_message => :Message, :receiver => :Object, :frame => :Frame ,
:return_address => :Integer, :return_value => :Integer,
:caller => :Message , :name => :Word , :indexed_length => :Integer },
:MetaClass => {:object => :Object},
:Integer => {},
:Object => {},
:Kernel => {}, #fix, kernel is a class, but should be a module
:BinaryCode => {:char_length => :Integer} ,
:Space => {:classes => :Dictionary , :first_message => :Message},
:Frame => {:next_frame => :Frame, :indexed_length => :Integer},
:Layout => {:object_class => :Class, :instance_methods => :List , :indexed_length => :Integer} ,
:Class => {:instance_methods => :List, :object_layout => :Layout, :name => :Word,
:super_class_name => :Word},
:Dictionary => {:keys => :List , :values => :List } ,
:Method => {:name => :Word, :source => :Object, :instructions => :Object, :binary => :Object,
:arguments => :List , :for_class => :Class, :locals => :List } ,
:Value => {},
:Variable => {:type => :Class, :name => :Word , :value => :Object}
# classes have booted, now create a minimal set of functions
# minimal means only that which can not be coded in ruby
# Methods are grabbed from respective modules by sending the method name. This should return the
# implementation of the method (ie a method object), not actually try to implement it
# (as that's impossible in ruby)
def boot_functions!
# very fiddly chicken 'n egg problem. Functions need to be in the right order, and in fact we
# have to define some dummies, just for the other to compile
# TODO go through the virtual parfait layer and adjust function names to what they really are
obj = @space.get_class_by_name(:Object)
[:main , :get_internal_word , :set_internal_word ].each do |f|
obj.add_instance_method Builtin::Object.send(f , nil)
obj = @space.get_class_by_name(:Kernel)
# create __init__ main first, __init__ calls it
[:exit , :__init__ ].each do |f|
obj.add_instance_method Builtin::Kernel.send(f , nil)
obj = @space.get_class_by_name(:Word)
[:putstring , :get_internal_byte , :set_internal_byte ].each do |f|
obj.add_instance_method Builtin::Word.send(f , nil)
obj = @space.get_class_by_name(:Integer)
[ :putint, :mod4, :div10].each do |f| #mod4 is just a forward declaration
obj.add_instance_method Builtin::Integer.send(f , nil)