139 lines
4.6 KiB
139 lines
4.6 KiB
require "thor"
require "rubyx"
require "risc/interpreter"
class RubyXC < Thor
class_option :integers , type: :numeric
class_option :mesages , type: :numeric
class_option :elf , type: :boolean
desc "stats FILE" , "Give object statistics on compiled FILE"
long_desc <<-LONGDESC
Compile the give file name and print statistics on the binary.
A Binary file is in essence an ObjectSpace, ie a collection of objects.
This command tells you how many objects of each kind, the amount of bytes
objects of that class take, and the total amount of bytes taken.
Together with various options this may be used to tune the executable, or just fyi.
def stats(file)
by_class = Hash.new(0)
Risc::Position.positions.each do |object , _ |
by_class[object.class] += 1 if Risc::Position.is_object(object)
obj, total = 0 , 0
by_class.each do |clazz , num|
dis = (clazz == Symbol) ? 8 : clazz.memory_size
puts clazz.name.split("::").last + " == #{num} / #{num*dis}"
obj += num
total += num * dis
puts "\nTotal Objects=#{obj} Words=#{total}"
desc "compile FILE" , "Compile given FILE to binary"
long_desc <<-LONGDESC
Compile the give file name to binary object file (see below.)
Output will be elf object file of the same name, with .o, in root directory.
Note: Because of Bug #13, you need to run "ld -N file.o" on the file, before
executing it. This can be done on a mac by installing a cross linker
(brew install arm-linux-gnueabihf-binutils), or on the target arm machine.
def compile(file)
linker = do_compile(file)
elf = { debug: options[:elf] || false }
writer = Elf::ObjectWriter.new(linker , elf)
outfile = file.split("/").last.gsub(".rb" , ".o")
writer.save outfile
system "arm-linux-gnu-ld -N #{outfile}"
File.delete outfile
return outfile
desc "interpret FILE" , "Interpret given FILE "
long_desc <<-LONGDESC
Compiles the given file to an intermediate RISC format, and runs the
RISC is the last abstract layer inside the compiler. It is in nature
very close to arm (without quirks and much smaller).
An interpreter was originally developed for the RISC layer for debugging purposes.
Running the interpreter is about 50k slower than binary, but it can be used
to veryfy simple programs.
No output file will be generated, the only output is generated by the
given program.
The program must define a main method on the Space class, which will be invoked.
def interpret(file)
ruby = File.read(file)
fail MalformattedArgumentError , "No such file #{file}"
compiler = RubyX::RubyXCompiler.new(extract_options)
linker = compiler.ruby_to_binary(ruby, :interpreter)
puts "interpreting #{file}"
interpreter = Risc::Interpreter.new(linker , STDOUT )
interpreter.tick while(interpreter.instruction)
desc "execute FILE" , "Compile given FILE and execute resulting binary"
long_desc <<-LONGDESC
Just like the compile task, this compiles the file to an object/binary file.
Then rubyxc will link and run the resulting object file. For this to work,
qemu needs to be set up correctly on the system. Specifically, because of
bug #13, arm-linux-gnueabihf-ld needs to exist (it's part of the cross compiled
arm binutils).
The resulting a.out will be run via qemu-arm. This is part of the qemu "linux" package
and interprets the arm binary on the host, assuming a linux os.
This whole approach should only be used for preliminary checking that no core-dumps
are generated by the program, or when no benchmarking (as the times will be whatever).
For simple functional test though, it is a much much quicker way to run the binary
than transferring it to another machine. The a.out is left in place to be run again.
def execute(file)
outfile = compile(file)
puts "Running #{outfile}\n\n"
system "qemu-arm ./a.out ;echo $?"
# Open file, create compiler, compile and return linker
def do_compile(file)
ruby = File.read(file)
fail MalformattedArgumentError , "No such file #{file}"
puts "compiling #{file}"
::RubyX::RubyXCompiler.new(extract_options).ruby_to_binary( ruby , :arm )
def extract_options
opt = { Integer: options[:integers] || 1024 ,
Message: options[:messages] || 1024}
return {parfait: opt }