131 lines
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131 lines
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module Register
# RegisterValue is like a variable name, a storage location. The location is a register off course.
class RegisterValue
attr_accessor :symbol , :type , :value
def initialize r , type , value = nil
raise "wrong type for register init #{r}" unless r.is_a? Symbol
raise "double r #{r}" if r.to_s[0,1] == "rr"
raise "not reg #{r}" unless self.class.look_like_reg r
raise "Legacy type error, should be class" if (type == :int) or (type == :ref)
@type = type
@symbol = r
@value = value
def to_s
def self.look_like_reg is_it
return true if is_it.is_a? RegisterValue
return false unless is_it.is_a? Symbol
if( [:lr , :pc].include? is_it )
return true
if( (is_it.to_s.length <= 3) and (is_it.to_s[0] == "r"))
# could tighten this by checking that the rest is a number
return true
return false
def == other
return false if other.nil?
return false if other.class != RegisterValue
symbol == other.symbol
#helper method to calculate with register symbols
def next_reg_use type , value = nil
int = @symbol[1,3].to_i
sym = "r#{int + 1}".to_sym
RegisterValue.new( sym , type, value)
def sof_reference_name
# Here we define the mapping from virtual machine objects, to register machine registers
# The register we use to store the current message object is :r0
def self.message_reg
RegisterValue.new :r0 , :Message
# A register to hold the receiver of the current message, in oo terms the self. :r1
def self.self_reg type
RegisterValue.new :r1 , type
# The register to hold a possible frame of the currently executing method. :r2
# May be nil if the method has no local variables
def self.frame_reg
RegisterValue.new :r2 , :Frame
# The register we use to store the new message object is :r3
# The new message is the one being built, to be sent
def self.new_message_reg
RegisterValue.new :r3 , :Message
# The first scratch register. There is a next_reg_use to get a next and next.
# Current thinking is that scratch is schatch between instructions
def self.tmp_reg type , value = nil
RegisterValue.new :r4 , type , value
# The first arg is a class name (possibly lowercase) and the second an instance variable name.
# By looking up the class and the layout for that class, we can resolve the instance
# variable name to an index.
# The class can be mapped to a register, and so we get a memory address (reg+index)
def self.resolve_index( clazz_name , instance_name )
return instance_name unless instance_name.is_a? Symbol
real_name = clazz_name.to_s.split('_').last.capitalize.to_sym
clazz = Parfait::Space.object_space.get_class_by_name(real_name)
raise "Class name not given #{real_name}" unless clazz
index = clazz.object_layout.variable_index( instance_name )
raise "Instance name=#{instance_name} not found on #{real_name}" unless index.is_a?(Numeric)
return index # the type word is at index 0, but layout is a list and starts at 1 == layout
# if a symbol is given, it may be one of the four objects that the vm knows.
# These are mapped to register references.
# The valid symbols (:message, :self,:frame,:new_message) are the same that are returned
# by the slots. All data (at any time) is in one of the instance variables of these four
# objects. Register defines module methods with the same names (and _reg)
def self.resolve_to_register reference
register = reference
if reference.is_a? Symbol
case reference
when :message
register = message_reg
when :new_message
register = new_message_reg
when :self
register = self_reg(:Object) #TODO , probably have to get rid of this resolve method
when :frame
register = frame_reg
raise "not recognized register reference #{reference}"
return register
# when knowing the index of the argument, return the index into the message
# index passed is parfait, ie stats at 1
def self.arg_index i
last = resolve_index :message , :name
return last + i