37 lines
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37 lines
1.5 KiB
module Bosl
Compiler.class_eval do
def on_call expression
name , arguments , receiver = *expression
name = name.to_a.first
if receiver
me = process( receiver.to_a.first )
me = Virtual::Self.new
## need two step process, compile and save to frame
# then move from frame to new message
method.source.add_code Virtual::NewMessage.new
method.source.add_code Virtual::Set.new( me , Virtual::NewSelf.new(me.type))
method.source.add_code Virtual::Set.new( name.to_sym , Virtual::NewMessageName.new())
compiled_args = []
arguments.to_a.each_with_index do |arg , i|
#compile in the running method, ie before passing control
val = process( arg)
# move the compiled value to it's slot in the new message
# + 1 as this is a ruby 0-start , but 0 is the last message ivar.
# so the next free is +1
to = Virtual::NewArgSlot.new(i + 1 ,val.type , val)
# (doing this immediately, not after the loop, so if it's a return it won't get overwritten)
method.source.add_code Virtual::Set.new( val , to )
compiled_args << to
method.source.add_code Virtual::MessageSend.new(name , me , compiled_args) #and pass control
# the effect of the method is that the NewMessage Return slot will be filled, return it
# (this is what is moved _inside_ above loop for such expressions that are calls (or constants))
Virtual::Return.new( method.source.return_type )