Torsten Rüger d1f8733623 Rename Vool to Sol
Simple is really the descriptive name for the layer
Sure, it is "virtual" but that is not as important as the fact that it is simple (or simplified)
Also objct (based really) is better, since orientated implies it is a little like that, but only orientated, not really it. Sol only has objects, nothing else
Just cause i was renaming anyway
2019-10-04 00:38:47 +03:00

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module SlotMachine
# Base class for SlotMachine instructions
# At the base class level instructions are a linked list.
# SlotMachine::Instructions are created by the Sol level as an intermediate step
# towards the next level down, the Risc level.
# SlotMachine and Risc are both abstract machines (ie have instructions), so both
# share the linked list functionality (In Util::List)
# To convert a SlotMachine instruction to it's Risc equivalent to_risc is called
class Instruction
include Util::List
def initialize( source , nekst = nil )
@source = source
@next = nekst
return unless source
unless source.is_a?(String) or
raise "Source must be string or Instruction, not #{source.class}"
attr_reader :source
# to_risc, like the name says, converts the instruction to it's Risc equivalent.
# The Risc machine is basically a simple register machine (kind of arm).
# In other words SlotMachine is the higher abstraction and so slot instructions convert
# to many (1-10) risc instructions
# The argument that is passed is a MethodCompiler, which has the method and some
# state about registers used. (also provides helpers to generate risc instructions)
def to_risc(compiler)
raise + "_todo"
require_relative "instruction/label"
require_relative "instruction/check"
require_relative "instruction/basic_values"
require_relative "instruction/simple_call"
require_relative "instruction/dynamic_call"
require_relative "instruction/block_yield"
require_relative "instruction/resolve_method"
require_relative "instruction/truth_check"
require_relative "instruction/not_same_check"
require_relative "instruction/jump"
require_relative "instruction/return_jump"
require_relative "instruction/slot_load"
require_relative "instruction/return_sequence"
require_relative "instruction/message_setup"
require_relative "instruction/argument_transfer"