69 lines
2.3 KiB
69 lines
2.3 KiB
require "util/list"
module Risc
# the register machine has at least 8 registers, named r0-r5 , :lr and :pc
# (for historical reasons , r for register, pc for ProgramCounter ie next instruction address
# and lr means LinkRegister, ie the location where to return to when in a function)
# We can load and store their contents, move data between them and
# access (get/set) memory at a constant offset from a register
# While Mom works with objects, the register machine has registers,
# but we keep the names for better understanding, r2-5 are temporary/scratch
# There is no direct memory access, only through registers
# Constants can/must be loaded into registers before use
# At compile time, Instructions form a linked list (:next attribute is the link)
# At run time Instructions are traversesed as a graph
# Branches fan out, Labels collect
# Labels are the only valid branch targets
class Instruction
include Util::List
def initialize( source , nekst = nil )
@source = source
@next = nekst
return unless source
raise "Source must be string or Instruction, not #{source.class}" unless source.is_a?(String) or source.is_a?(Mom::Instruction)
attr_reader :source
def to_arr
ret = []
self.each {|ins| ret << ins}
def to_cpu( translator )
translator.translate( self )
def class_source( derived)
"#{self.class.name.split("::").last}: #{derived} #{source_mini}"
def source_mini
return "(no source)" unless source
return "(from: #{source[0..25]})" if source.is_a?(String)
"(from: #{source.class.name.split("::").last})"
require_relative "instructions/setter"
require_relative "instructions/getter"
require_relative "instructions/reg_to_slot"
require_relative "instructions/slot_to_reg"
require_relative "instructions/reg_to_byte"
require_relative "instructions/byte_to_reg"
require_relative "instructions/load_constant"
require_relative "instructions/syscall"
require_relative "instructions/function_call"
require_relative "instructions/function_return"
require_relative "instructions/transfer"
require_relative "instructions/label"
require_relative "instructions/branch"
require_relative "instructions/operator_instruction"