212 lines
7.5 KiB
212 lines
7.5 KiB
module Risc
# RegisterValue is like a variable name, a storage location.
# The location is a register off course.
# The type is always known, and sometimes the value too
# Or something about the value, like some instances types
# When participating in the compiler dsl, a compiler may be set to get the
# results of dsl operations (like <<) back to the compiler
class RegisterValue
attr_reader :symbol , :type , :extra
attr_reader :compiler
# The first arg is a symbol :r0 - :r12
# Second arg is the type, which may be given as the symbol of the class name
# (internally we store the actual type instance, resolving any symbols)
# A third value may give extra information. This is a hash, where keys may
# be :value, or :value_XX or :type_XX to indicate value or type information
# for an XX instance
def initialize( reg , type , extra = {})
extra = {} unless extra
raise "Not Hash #{extra}" unless extra.is_a?(Hash)
type = Parfait.object_space.get_type_by_class_name(type) if type.is_a?(Symbol)
raise "No type #{reg}" unless type
@type = type
@symbol = reg
@extra = extra
def class_name
return :fixnum unless @type
# allows to set the compiler, which is mainly done by the compiler
# but sometimes, eg in exit, one nneds to create the reg by hand and set
# return the RegisterValue for chaining in assignment
def set_compiler( compiler )
@compiler = compiler
# using the registers type, resolve the slot to an index
# Using the index and the register, add a SlotToReg to the instruction
def resolve_and_add(slot , compiler)
index = resolve_index(slot)
new_left = get_new_left( slot , compiler )
compiler.add_code Risc::SlotToReg.new( "SlotLoad #{type}[#{slot}]" , self ,index, new_left)
# resolve the given slot name (instance variable name) to an index using the type
# RegisterValue has the current type, so we just look up the index in the type
def resolve_index(slot)
#puts "TYPE #{type} var:#{slot} "
index = type.variable_index(slot)
raise "Index not found for #{slot} in #{type} of type #{@type}" unless index
return index
def type_at(index)
# reduce integer to fixnum and add instruction if compiler is used
# TODO: checck type of self, should be integer
# TODO: find a type for the result, maybe fixnum , or data ?
# TODO also check types on reg_to_slot
def reduce_int
reduce = Risc::SlotToReg.new( "int -> fix" , self , Parfait::Integer.integer_index , self)
compiler.add_code(reduce) if compiler
# when following variables in resolve_and_add, get a new RegisterValue
# that represents the new value.
# Ie in "normal case" a the same register, with the type of the slot
# (the not normal case, the first reduction, uses a new register, as we don't
# overwrite the message)
# We get the type with resolve_new_type
def get_new_left(slot, compiler)
new_type = extra["type_#{slot}".to_sym]
new_type , extra = compiler.slot_type(slot , type) unless new_type
new_name = "#{@symbol}.#{slot}"
raise "no #{self}" if RegisterValue.look_like_reg(@symbol)
new_left = RegisterValue.new( new_name.to_sym , new_type , extra)
def to_s
s = "#{symbol}:#{class_name}"
s += ":#{extra}" unless extra.empty?
def reg_no
@symbol.to_s[1 .. -1].to_i
def self.look_like_reg is_it
return true if is_it.is_a? RegisterValue
return false unless is_it.is_a? Symbol
if( [:lr , :pc].include? is_it )
return true
if( (is_it.to_s.length <= 3) and (is_it.to_s[0] == "r"))
# could tighten this by checking that the rest is a number
return true
return false
def == other
return false if other.nil?
return false if other.class != RegisterValue
symbol == other.symbol
#helper method to calculate with register symbols
def next_reg_use( type , extra = {} )
int = @symbol[1,3].to_i
raise "No more registers #{self}" if int > 11
sym = "r#{int + 1}".to_sym
RegisterValue.new( sym , type, extra)
def rxf_reference_name
# can't overload "=" , so use shift for it.
# move the right side to the left. Left (this) is a RegisterValue
# right value may be
# - constant (Parfait object) , resulting in a LoadConstant
# - another RegisterValue, resulting in a Transfer instruction
# - an RegisterSlot, resulting in an SlotToReg
def <<( right )
case right
when Label
ins = Risc::LoadConstant.new("#{right.class} to #{self.type}" , right , self)
compiler.compiler.add_constant(right.address) if compiler
when ::Integer
ins = Risc.load_data("#{right.class} to #{self.type}" , right , self)
when RegisterValue
ins = Risc.transfer("#{right.type} to #{self.type}" , right , self)
when RegisterSlot
index = right.register.resolve_index(right.index)
ins = SlotToReg.new("#{right.register.type}[#{right.index}] -> #{self.type}" , right.register , index , self)
raise "not implemented for #{right.class}:#{right}"
compiler.add_code(ins) if compiler
return ins
# similar to above (<< which produces slot_to_reg), this produces byte_to_reg
# since << covers all other cases, this must have a RegisterSlot as the right
def <=( right )
raise "not implemented for #{right.class}:#{right}" unless right.is_a?( RegisterSlot )
ins = Risc.byte_to_reg("#{right.register.type}[#{right.index}] -> #{self.type}" , right.register , right.index , self)
compiler.add_code(ins) if compiler
return ins
def -( right )
raise "operators only on registers, not #{right.class}" unless right.is_a? RegisterValue
op = Risc.op("#{self.type} - #{right.type}", :- , self , right )
compiler.add_code(op) if compiler
# create operator instruction for self and add
# doesn't read quite as smoothly as one would like, but better than the compiler version
def op( operator , right)
right = right.to_reg() if(right.is_a?(RegisterSlot))
ret = Risc.op( "operator #{operator}" , operator , self , right)
compiler.add_code(ret) if compiler
# just capture the values in an intermediary object (RegisterSlot)
# The RegisterSlot then gets used in a RegToSlot or SlotToReg, where
# the values are unpacked to call Risc.reg_to_slot or Risc.slot_to_reg
def []( index )
RegisterSlot.new( self , index , compiler)
# The register we use to store the current message object is :r0
def self.message_reg
RegisterValue.new :r0 , :Message
# a named version of the message register, called :message
def self.message_named_reg
RegisterValue.new :message , :Message
# The register we use to store the new message object is :r3
# The new message is the one being built, to be sent
def self.new_message_reg
RegisterValue.new :r1 , :Message
# The first scratch register. There is a next_reg_use to get a next and next.
# Current thinking is that scratch is schatch between instructions
def self.tmp_reg( type , extra = {})
RegisterValue.new :r1 , type , extra