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module Parslet
module ErrorReporter
# Instead of reporting the latest error that happens like {Tree} does,
# this class reports the deepest error. Depth is defined here as how
# advanced into the input an error happens. The errors close to the
# greatest depth tend to be more relevant to the end user, since they
# specify what could be done to make them go away.
# More specifically, errors produced by this reporter won't be related to
# the structure of the grammar at all. The positions of the errors will
# be advanced and convey at every grammar level what the deepest rule
# was to fail.
class Deepest
def initialize
@deepest_cause = nil
# Produces an error cause that combines the message at the current level
# with the errors that happened at a level below (children).
# @param atom [Parslet::Atoms::Base] parslet that failed
# @param source [Source] Source that we're using for this parse. (line
# number information...)
# @param message [String, Array] Error message at this level.
# @param children [Array] A list of errors from a deeper level (or nil).
# @return [Cause] An error tree combining children with message.
def err(atom, source, message, children=nil)
position = source.pos
cause = Cause.format(source, position, message, children)
return deepest(cause)
# Produces an error cause that combines the message at the current level
# with the errors that happened at a level below (children).
# @param atom [Parslet::Atoms::Base] parslet that failed
# @param source [Source] Source that we're using for this parse. (line
# number information...)
# @param message [String, Array] Error message at this level.
# @param pos [Fixnum] The real position of the error.
# @param children [Array] A list of errors from a deeper level (or nil).
# @return [Cause] An error tree combining children with message.
def err_at(atom, source, message, pos, children=nil)
position = pos
cause = Cause.format(source, position, message, children)
return deepest(cause)
# Returns the cause that is currently deepest. Mainly for specs.
attr_reader :deepest_cause
# Checks to see if the lineage of the cause given includes a cause with
# an error position deeper than the current deepest cause stored. If
# yes, it passes the cause through to the caller. If no, it returns the
# current deepest error that was saved as a reference.
def deepest(cause)
rank, leaf = deepest_child(cause)
if !deepest_cause || leaf.pos >= deepest_cause.pos
# This error reaches deeper into the input, save it as reference.
@deepest_cause = leaf
return cause
return deepest_cause
# Returns the leaf from a given error tree with the biggest rank.
def deepest_child(cause, rank=0)
max_child = cause
max_rank = rank
if cause.children && !cause.children.empty?
cause.children.each do |child|
c_rank, c_cause = deepest_child(child, rank+1)
if c_rank > max_rank
max_rank = c_rank
max_child = c_cause
return max_rank, max_child