2015-07-01 21:45:41 +03:00

79 lines
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module Register
module Builtin
module Kernel
module ClassMethods
# this is the really really first place the machine starts (apart from the jump here)
# it isn't really a function, ie it is jumped to (not called), exits and may not return
# so it is responsible for initial setup
def __init__ context
function = Virtual::CompiledMethodInfo.create_method(:Kernel,:__init__ , [])
function.info.return_type = Virtual::Integer
# no method enter or return (automatically added), remove
function.info.blocks.first.codes.pop # no Method enter
function.info.blocks.last.codes.pop # no Method return
#Set up the Space as self upon init
space = Parfait::Space.object_space
function.info.add_code LoadConstant.new( space , Register.self_reg)
message_ind = Register.resolve_index( :space , :first_message )
# Load the message to new message register (r3)
function.info.add_code Register.get_slot( :self , message_ind , :new_message)
# And store the space as the new self (so the call can move it back as self)
function.info.add_code Register.set_slot( :self , :new_message , :receiver)
# now we are set up to issue a call to the main
function.info.add_code Virtual::MethodCall.new(Virtual.machine.space.get_main)
emit_syscall( function , :exit )
return function
def exit context
function = Virtual::CompiledMethodInfo.create_method(:Kernel,:exit , [])
function.info.return_type = Virtual::Integer
return function
ret = Virtual::RegisterMachine.instance.exit(function)
function.set_return ret
def __send context
function = Virtual::CompiledMethodInfo.create_method(:Kernel ,:__send , [] )
function.info.return_type = Virtual::Integer
return function
def emit_syscall function , name
save_message( function )
function.info.add_code Syscall.new( name )
# save the current message, as the syscall destroys all context
# currently HACKED into the space as a temporary varaible. As the space is a globally
# unique object we can retrieve it from there
# TODO : fix this to use global (later per thread) variable
def save_message(function)
space_tmp = Register.tmp_reg
ind = Register.resolve_index( :space , :syscall_message )
function.info.add_code LoadConstant.new( Parfait::Space.object_space , space_tmp)
function.info.add_code SetSlot.new( Register.message_reg , space_tmp , ind)
def restore_message(function)
# get the sys return out of the way
return_tmp = Register.tmp_reg
function.info.add_code RegisterTransfer.new( Register.message_reg , return_tmp )
# load the space into the base register
function.info.add_code LoadConstant.new(Parfait::Space.object_space ,Register.message_reg)
# find the stored message
ind = Register.resolve_index( :space , :syscall_message )
# and load it into the base RegisterMachine
function.info.add_code Register.get_slot :message , ind , :message
# save the return value into the message
function.info.add_code Register.set_slot( return_tmp , :message , :return_value )
# and "unroll" self and frame
function.info.add_code Register.get_slot(:message , :receiver, :self )
function.info.add_code Register.get_slot(:message , :frame , :frame)
extend ClassMethods