require_relative '../helper'

# try  to test that the generation of basic instructions works
# one instruction at a time, reverse testing from objdump --demangle -Sfghxp
# tests are named as per assembler code, ie test_mov testing mov instruction
#  adc add and bic eor orr rsb rsc sbc sub mov mvn cmn cmp teq tst b call bx swi strb

module ArmHelper 
  # need Assembler and a block (see those classes) 
  def setup
    @machine =

  # code is what the generator spits out, at least one instruction worth (.first)
  # the op code is wat was witten as assembler in the first place and the binary result
  # is reversed and in 4 bytes as ruby can only do 31 bits and so we can't test with just one int (?)
  def assert_code code , op , should
    assert_equal op ,  code.opcode
    io =
    binary = io.string
    assert_equal 4 , binary.length , "code length wrong for #{code.inspect}"
    index = 0
    binary.each_byte do |byte |
      assert_equal should[index] , byte , "byte #{index} 0x#{should[index].to_s(16)} != 0x#{byte.to_s(16)}"
      index += 1