module Vm module NameExpression # attr_reader :name # compiling name needs to check if it's a local variable # or an argument # whichever way this goes the result is stored in the return slot (as all compiles) def on_NameExpression statement name = [:self , :space , :message].each do |special| return send(:"load_special_#{special}" , statement ) if name == special end return load_argument(statement) if( @method.has_arg(name)) load_local(statement) end private def load_argument(statement) name = index = @method.has_arg(name) named_list = use_reg :NamedList ret = use_reg @method.argument_type(index) #puts "For #{name} at #{index} got #{@method.arguments.inspect}" add_slot_to_reg("#{statement} load args" , :message , :arguments, named_list ) add_slot_to_reg("#{statement} load #{name}" , named_list , index + 1, ret ) return ret end def load_local( statement ) name = index = @method.has_local( name ) raise "must define variable '#{name}' before using it" unless index named_list = use_reg :NamedList add_slot_to_reg("#{name} load locals" , :message , :locals , named_list ) ret = use_reg @method.locals_type( index ) add_slot_to_reg("#{name} load from locals" , named_list , index + 1, ret ) return ret end def load_special_self(statement) ret = use_reg @type add_slot_to_reg("#{statement} load self" , :message , :receiver , ret ) return ret end def load_special_space(statement) space = Parfait.object_space reg = use_reg :Space , space add_load_constant( "#{statement} load space", space , reg ) return reg end def load_special_message(statement) reg = use_reg :Message add_transfer( "#{statement} load message", Register.message_reg , reg ) return reg end end #module end