module Mom # The Compiler/Collection for the Mom level is a collection of Mom level Method # compilers These will transform to Risc MethodCompilers on the way down. # # As RubyCompiler pools source at the vool level, when several classes are compiled # from vool to mom, several MomCompilers get instantiated. They must be merged before # proceeding with translate. Thus we have a append method. # class MomCollection attr_reader :method_compilers # Initialize with an array of risc MethodCompilers def initialize(compilers = []) @method_compilers = compilers end # lazily instantiate the compilers for boot functions # (in the hope of only booting the functions once) def boot_compilers @boot_compilers ||= Mom::Builtin.boot_functions end # Return all compilers, namely the MethodCompilers passed in, plus the # boot_function's compilers (boot_compilers) def compilers @method_compilers + boot_compilers end # collects constants from all compilers into one array def constants compilers.inject([]){|sum ,comp| sum + comp.constants } end # Append another MomCompilers method_compilers to this one. def append(mom_compiler) @method_compilers += mom_compiler.method_compilers self end def to_risc( ) riscs = compilers.collect do | mom_c | mom_c.to_risc end # to_risc all compilers # for each suffling constnts and fist label, then all instructions (see below) # then create risc collection end end end