#integer related kernel functions module Risc module Builtin module Integer module ClassMethods include AST::Sexp include CompileHelper def mod4 context compiler = compiler_for(:Integer,:mod4 ,{}) return compiler.method end def putint context compiler = compiler_for(:Integer,:putint ,{}) return compiler.method end def +( context ) source = "plus" compiler = compiler_for(:Integer,:+ ,{other: :int}) me , other = self_and_int_arg(compiler,source + "1") # reduce me and other to integers compiler.add_slot_to_reg( source + "2" , me , 2 , me) compiler.add_slot_to_reg( source + "3", other , 2 , other) compiler.add_code Risc.op( source + "4", :+ , me , other) #TODO must get an Integer and put the value there then return the integer (object not value) # and put it back into the return value compiler.add_reg_to_slot( source + "5" , me , :message , :return_value) return compiler.method end def div10( context ) s = "div_10" compiler = compiler_for(:Integer,:div10 ,{}) me = compiler.add_known( :receiver ) tmp = compiler.add_known( :receiver ) q = compiler.add_known( :receiver ) const = compiler.use_reg :Integer , 1 compiler.add_load_data( s, 1 , const ) # int tmp = self >> 1 compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :>> , tmp , const) # int q = self >> 2 compiler.add_load_data( s , 2 , const) compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :>> , q , const) # q = q + tmp compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :+ , q , tmp ) # tmp = q >> 4 compiler.add_load_data( s , 4 , const) compiler.add_transfer( s, q , tmp) compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :>> , tmp , const) # q = q + tmp compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :+ , q , tmp ) # tmp = q >> 8 compiler.add_load_data( s , 8 , const) compiler.add_transfer( s, q , tmp) compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :>> , tmp , const) # q = q + tmp compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :+ , q , tmp ) # tmp = q >> 16 compiler.add_load_data( s , 16 , const) compiler.add_transfer( s, q , tmp) compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :>> , tmp , const) # q = q + tmp compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :+ , q , tmp ) # q = q >> 3 compiler.add_load_data( s , 3 , const) compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :>> , q , const) # tmp = q * 10 compiler.add_load_data( s , 10 , const) compiler.add_transfer( s, q , tmp) compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :* , tmp , const) # tmp = self - tmp compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :- , me , tmp ) compiler.add_transfer( s , me , tmp) # tmp = tmp + 6 compiler.add_load_data( s , 6 , const) compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :+ , tmp , const ) # tmp = tmp >> 4 compiler.add_load_data( s , 4 , const) compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :>> , tmp , const ) # return q + tmp compiler.add_code Risc.op( s , :+ , q , tmp ) compiler.add_reg_to_slot( s , q , :message , :return_value) compiler.add_mom( Mom::ReturnSequence.new) return compiler.method end end extend ClassMethods end end end