# Base class for all parslets, handles orchestration of calls and implements
# a lot of the operator and chaining methods.
# Also see Parslet::Atoms::DSL chaining parslet atoms together.
class Parslet::Atoms::Base
  include Parslet::Atoms::Precedence
  include Parslet::Atoms::DSL
  include Parslet::Atoms::CanFlatten
  # Given a string or an IO object, this will attempt a parse of its contents
  # and return a result. If the parse fails, a Parslet::ParseFailed exception
  # will be thrown. 
  # @param io [String, Source] input for the parse process
  # @option options [Parslet::ErrorReporter] :reporter error reporter to use, 
  #   defaults to Parslet::ErrorReporter::Tree 
  # @option options [Boolean] :prefix Should a prefix match be accepted? 
  #   (default: false)
  # @return [Hash, Array, Parslet::Slice] PORO (Plain old Ruby object) result
  #   tree
  def parse(io, options={})
    source = io.respond_to?(:line_and_column) ? 
      io : 

    # Try to cheat. Assuming that we'll be able to parse the input, don't 
    # run error reporting code. 
    success, value = setup_and_apply(source, nil, !options[:prefix])
    # If we didn't succeed the parse, raise an exception for the user. 
    # Stack trace will be off, but the error tree should explain the reason
    # it failed.
    unless success
      # Cheating has not paid off. Now pay the cost: Rerun the parse,
      # gathering error information in the process.
      reporter = options[:reporter] || Parslet::ErrorReporter::Tree.new
      source.pos = 0
      success, value = setup_and_apply(source, reporter, !options[:prefix])
      fail "Assertion failed: success was true when parsing with reporter" \
        if success
      # Value is a Parslet::Cause, which can be turned into an exception:
      fail "NEVER REACHED"
    # assert: success is true

    # Extra input is now handled inline with the rest of the parsing. If 
    # really we have success == true, prefix: false and still some input 
    # is left dangling, that is a BUG.
    if !options[:prefix] && source.chars_left > 0
      fail "BUG: New error strategy should not reach this point."
    return flatten(value)
  # Creates a context for parsing and applies the current atom to the input. 
  # Returns the parse result. 
  # @return [<Boolean, Object>] Result of the parse. If the first member is 
  #   true, the parse has succeeded. 
  def setup_and_apply(source, error_reporter, consume_all)
    context = Parslet::Atoms::Context.new(error_reporter)
    apply(source, context, consume_all)

  # Calls the #try method of this parslet. Success consumes input, error will 
  # rewind the input. 
  # @param source [Parslet::Source] source to read input from
  # @param context [Parslet::Atoms::Context] context to use for the parsing
  # @param consume_all [Boolean] true if the current parse must consume
  #   all input by itself.
  def apply(source, context, consume_all=false)
    old_pos = source.pos
    success, value = result = context.try_with_cache(self, source, consume_all)

    if success
      # If a consume_all parse was made and doesn't result in the consumption
      # of all the input, that is considered an error. 
      if consume_all && source.chars_left>0
        # Read 10 characters ahead. Why ten? I don't know. 
        offending_pos   = source.pos
        offending_input = source.consume(10)
        # Rewind input (as happens always in error case)
        source.pos      = old_pos
        return context.err_at(
          "Don't know what to do with #{offending_input.to_s.inspect}", 
      # Looks like the parse was successful after all. Don't rewind the input.
      return result
    # We only reach this point if the parse has failed. Rewind the input.
    source.pos = old_pos
    return result
  # Override this in your Atoms::Base subclasses to implement parsing
  # behaviour. 
  def try(source, context, consume_all)
    raise NotImplementedError, \
      "Atoms::Base doesn't have behaviour, please implement #try(source, context)."

  # Returns true if this atom can be cached in the packrat cache. Most parslet
  # atoms are cached, so this always returns true, unless overridden.
  def cached?

  # Debug printing - in Treetop syntax. 
  def self.precedence(prec)
    define_method(:precedence) { prec }
  precedence BASE
  def to_s(outer_prec=OUTER)
    if outer_prec < precedence
  def inspect

  # Produces an instance of Success and returns it. 
  def succ(result)
    [true, result]