# almost simplest hash imaginable. make good use of Lists module Parfait class Dictionary < Object # only empty initialization for now # # internally we store keys and values in lists, which means this does **not** scale well def initialize @keys = List.new_object() @values = List.new_object() end # return all values as a list # TODO, list should be copied to avoid inconcisencies def values() @values end # return all keys as a list # TODO, list should be copied to avoid inconcisencies def keys() @keys end # are there any key/value items in the list def empty? @keys.empty? end # How many key/value pairs there are def length() return @keys.get_length() end # get a value fot the given key # key ientity is checked with == not === (ie equals not identity) # return nil if no such key def get(key) index = key_index(key) if( index ) @values.get(index) else nil end end # same as get(key) def [](key) get(key) end # private method def key_index(key) len = @keys.get_length() index = 1 found = nil while(index <= len) if( @keys.get(index) == key) found = index break end index += 1 end found end # set key with value, returns value def set(key , value) index = key_index(key) if( index ) @keys.set(index , value) else @keys.push(key) @values.push(value) end value end #same as set(k,v) def []=(key,val) set(key,val) end # yield to each key value pair def each index = 1 while index <= @keys.get_length key = @keys.get(index) value = @values.get(index) yield key , value index = index + 1 end self end # :rehash, :to_hash, :to_h, :to_a, :[], :fetch, :[]=, :store, :default, :default=, :default_proc, :default_proc=, # :key, :index, :size, :length, :empty?, :each_value, :each_key, :each_pair, :each, :keys, :values, # :values_at, :shift, :delete, :delete_if, :keep_if, :select, :select!, :reject, :reject!, :clear, :invert, # :update, :replace, :merge!, :merge, :assoc, :rassoc, :flatten, :include?, :member?, :has_key?, :has_value?, # :key?, :value?, :compare_by_identity, :compare_by_identity?, :entries, :sort, :sort_by, :grep, :count, :find, # :detect, :find_index, :find_all, :collect, :map, :flat_map, :collect_concat, :inject, :reduce, :partition, # :group_by, :first, :all?, :any?, :one?, :none?, :min, :max, :minmax, :min_by, :max_by, :minmax_by, :each_with_index, # :reverse_each, :each_entry, :each_slice, :each_cons, :each_with_object, :zip, :take, :take_while, :drop, :drop_while, # :cycle, :chunk, :slice_before, :lazy end end