module Risc # Positions are very different during compilation and run-time. # At run-time they are inherrent to the object, and fixed. # While during compilation we can move things about, and do not use the # objects memory position at all. # # Furthermore, there are differnet kind of positions during compilation. # Off course the object position as hinted above, but also instruction # positions, that do not reflect the position of the object, but of the # assembled instruction in the binary. # # The Position class keeps a hash of all compile time positions. # # While the Position objects transmit the change that (re) positioning # entails to affected objects. class Position @positions = {} attr_reader :at def initialize( at ) @at = at raise "not int #{self}-#{at}" unless @at.is_a?(Integer) end def +(offset) offset = if offset.is_a?(Position) @at + offset end def -(offset) offset = if offset.is_a?(Position) @at - offset end def to_s "0x#{@at.to_s(16)}" end # just a callback after creation AND insertion def init(pos) end def reset_to(pos) return false if pos == at if((at - pos).abs > 1000) raise "position set too far off #{pos}!=#{at} for #{object}:#{object.class}" end @at = pos true end def self.positions @positions end def self.set?(object) self.positions.has_key?(object) end def self.get(object) pos = self.positions[object] if pos == nil str = "position accessed but not set, " str += "0x#{object.object_id.to_s(16)}\n" str += "for #{object.class} byte_length #{object.byte_length if object.respond_to?(:byte_length)} for #{object.inspect[0...130]}" raise str end pos end def self.set( object , pos , extra = nil) # resetting of position used to be error, but since relink and dynamic instruction size it is ok. # in measures (of 32) #puts "Setting #{pos} for #{self.class}" old = Position.positions[object] if old != nil old.reset_to(pos) return old end position = for_at( object , pos , extra) self.positions[object] = position position.init(pos) position end def self.for_at(object , at , extra) case object when Parfait::BinaryCode,at , extra) when Arm::Instruction , Risc::Label,at , extra) else end end end # handle event propagation class IPosition < Position attr_reader :instruction , :binary def initialize(instruction, pos , binary) raise "not set " unless binary super(pos) @instruction = instruction @binary = binary end def init(at) return unless at += instruction.byte_length bin = binary if( 12 == at % 60) at = 12 bin = end Position.set(, at , binary) end def reset_to(pos) super(pos) #puts "Reset (#{changed}) #{instruction}" init(pos) end end class BPosition < Position attr_reader :code , :method def initialize(code, pos , method) super(pos) @code = code @method = method end def init(at) return unless Position.set( , at + code.padded_length, method) end end end