module Soml Compiler.class_eval do def on_call statement #puts statement name_s , arguments , receiver = *statement raise "not inside method " unless @method reset_regs #move the new message (that we need to populate to make a call) to std register new_message = Register.resolve_to_register(:new_message) add_code Register.get_slot(statement, :message , :next_message , new_message ) if receiver me = process( receiver.first ) else me = use_reg add_code Register.get_slot(statement, :message , :receiver , me ) end if(me.type == :Class) clazz = me.value.meta else # now we have to resolve the method name (+ receiver) into a callable method clazz = end # move our receiver there add_code Register.set_slot( statement , me , :new_message , :receiver) set_message_details(name_s , arguments) set_arguments(arguments) ret = use_reg( :Integer ) #TODO real return type do_call(clazz , statement) # the effect of the method is that the NewMessage Return slot will be filled, return it # but move it into a register too add_code Register.get_slot(statement, :new_message , :return_value , ret ) ret end private def do_call clazz , statement name = statement.first.first #puts "clazz #{}" raise "No such class" unless clazz method = clazz.resolve_method(name) #puts raise "Method not implemented #{}.#{name}" unless method Register.issue_call( self , method ) end def set_message_details name_s , arguments name = name_s.to_a.first # load method name and set to new message (for exceptions/debug) name_tmp = use_reg(:Word) add_code, name , name_tmp) add_code Register.set_slot( name_s , name_tmp , :new_message , :name) # next arguments. first length then args len_tmp = use_reg(:Integer , arguments.to_a.length ) add_code, arguments.to_a.length , len_tmp) add_code Register.set_slot( arguments , len_tmp , :new_message , :indexed_length) end def set_arguments arguments # reset tmp regs for each and load result into new_message arguments.to_a.each_with_index do |arg , i| reset_regs # processing should return the register with the value val = process( arg) raise "Not register #{val}" unless val.is_a?(Register::RegisterValue) # which we load int the new_message at the argument's index (the one comes from c index) set = Register.set_slot( arg , val , :new_message , Parfait::Message.get_indexed(i+1)) add_code set end end end end