# A sample Guardfile
# More info at https://github.com/guard/guard#readme

guard :minitest do   # with Minitest::Unit

  # if any test file changes, run that test

  # if any helper in any directory changes, run test_all in the same directory
  watch(%r{^test/(.*/)?helper.rb$})     { |m| "test/#{m[1]}test_all.rb" }

  # if any file XX in any directory in the /lib changes, run a test_XX in the
  # shadow directory in the /test
  watch(%r{^lib/(.*/)?([^/]+)\.rb$})     { |m| "test/#{m[1]}test_#{m[2]}.rb" }

  #Arm instructions
  watch(%r{^lib/arm/instructions/(.+)_instruction.rb}) { |m| "test/arm/test_#{m[1]}.rb" }

  #parfait type tests have a whole directory
  watch(%r{^lib/parfait/type.rb}) { Dir["test/parfait/type/test_*.rb"] }

  # Vool to_mom compile process +   # Ruby to vool compile process
  watch(%r{^lib/vool/statements/(.+)_statement.rb}) { |m| ["test/vool/to_mom/test_#{m[1]}.rb" ,"test/vool/statements/test_#{m[1]}.rb"] }
