class Symbol include Positioned include Padding def has_type? true end def get_type l =[:Word].object_type #puts "LL #{l.class}" l end def padded_length padded to_s.length + 4 end # not the prettiest addition to the game, but it wasn't me who decided symbols are frozen in 2.x def cache_positions unless defined?(@@symbol_positions) @@symbol_positions = {} end @@symbol_positions end def position pos = cache_positions[self] if pos == nil str = "position accessed but not set, " str += "Machine has object=#{Register.machine.objects.has_key?(self.object_id)} " raise str + " for Symbol:#{self}" end pos end def position= pos # resetting of position used to be error, but since relink and dynamic instruction size it is ok. # in measures (of 32) old = cache_positions[self] if old != nil and ((old - pos).abs > 20000) raise "position set again #{pos}!=#{old} for #{self}" end cache_positions[self] = pos end end