module Virtual # our machine is made up of objects, some of which are code, some data # # during compilation objects are module Virtual objects, but during execution they are not scoped # # So compiling/linking/assembly turns ::virtual objects into binary that represents ruby objects at runtime # The equivalence is listed below (i'll try and work on clearer correspondence later) # ::Virtual Runtime / parfait # Object Object # BootClass Class # MetaClass self/Object # BootSpace ObjectSpace # CompiledMethod Function # (ruby)Array Array # String String class Object # This could be in test, as it is used only there def == other return false unless other.class == self.class Sof::Util.attributes(self).each do |a| begin left = send(a) rescue NoMethodError next # not using instance variables that are not defined as attr_readers for equality end begin right = other.send(a) rescue NoMethodError return false end return false unless left.class == right.class return false unless left == right end return true end def inspect Sof::Writer.write(self) end end end