the typed method has to be created in the to_pafait pass for it to work correctly, ie for the sends to have something to call
also means that when during compilation creating (raising?) a method, not only vool. but also callable has to be created
resolve had the wrong approach, sort of class based oo
It took methods from "derived" types and just used them
To be correct, those methods would have to be recompiled for the current type, rubyx is type, not class based.
Started on that, still soe strange hang though
Later, type and method analysis may reveal "compatible" types (down only off course) where one could use the exact same code, but that is phase 2
seems more appropriate, as it is the class for a single object
Also seems to be called that on the net (don't remember where the meta came from, but it's gone)
after some serious recursive thinking it now actually makes sense.
The key was to change the actual type of the class that the meta_class manages
For objects it's (still) ok just to change the instance_type, but since the class object exists and has type, when adding instance variables, that actual type has to change
unfortunately the writers have to have self.var =
otherwise it is just a local var
Also need to make the type explicit for all
Protocol included memory_length on the class for now